发布时间:2018-08-09 20:08
【摘要】: 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,运用《汉书》、《后汉书》等基本史料和考古资料,从行政制度、政局演变、民族关系三个方面对东汉北京地方政治进行了研究。 首先,对东汉北京地区行政制度的研究,分为两部分内容:第一部分主要是在《后汉书·郡国志》的基础上,利用现有的史料对东汉北京地区行政区划和建置的变化和发展过程做一复原。结论是东汉北京地区的行政建置经历了从郡国并立制到郡县二级制再到州郡县三级制的变化;又此地的行政区划不仅在东汉前后有较大改变,而且较之西汉也有较大调整。第二部分主要是利用现有史料和考古资料对北京地区的官僚行政组织做一梳理,其中包括州内行政组织、郡国行政组织、县级行政组织、乡里行政组织四项。结论是东汉北京官僚行政组织在遵循一般行政组织的基础上又有适当的调整和补充。 其次,对东汉北京地区政局的研究,分为东汉前期和东汉中后期两个时间段进行讨论。东汉前期随着刘秀对王郎政权、河北起义军、张丰政权、彭宠政权的逐次消灭,以及郭O、陈?、张堪等人对北京地区的治理,从而使两汉之际北京地区的动乱局势逐渐得到稳定。但到了东汉中后期,由于统治者对人民的剥削和压迫,使北京地区贫富差距增大,社会矛盾趋于尖锐,最终爆发了大规模的人民起义,使北京地区政局开始走向动荡。此后,刘虞出任幽州牧,北京地区政局得到了暂时的安定。但在刘虞被杀后,幽州地区出现了军阀的混战,从此北京地区政局彻底陷入动乱,直至曹操统一河北,才逐渐恢复稳定。由此可见,北京地区政局的前后变化明显,基本成抛物线态势。 最后,对东汉北京地区的民族关系的研究,主要探讨东汉北京地区与匈奴、乌桓、鲜卑三个少数民族的关系。就北京地区同匈奴的关系言,东汉初,匈奴屡寇北京地区而东汉则采取防御妥协的政策。匈奴分裂后,汉朝则实行了“安南定北”的匈奴政策,在安抚南匈奴的同时,对北匈奴进行征讨,以削弱其势力。就北京地区同乌桓的关系言,东汉前期采取“贿赂”政策,使乌桓逐渐内附。东汉中后期,乌桓因不堪东汉压迫而经常叛乱,并南下寇掠北京地区。刘虞治理幽州时采取恩信政策,乌桓逐渐归附。但在刘虞被杀后,乌桓再度反叛,最终被曹操平定。就北京地区同鲜卑的关系言,东汉前期,鲜卑多率众归附。东汉中期,鲜卑势力壮大,并开始不断侵扰北京地区。东汉在防御的同时,进行必要的反击,使其势力逐渐衰弱。东汉后期,鲜卑檀石槐部实力强大,并不断南下侵扰北京地区,东汉的反击均以失败告终。这造成了北京地区社会的凋敝。但在檀石槐死后,鲜卑内部矛盾激化,部众叛离,北京地区基本不再受其危害了。可见,北京地区的民族关系方面呈现出复杂多变的局面,这主要是东汉王朝和少数民族两者实力大小和东汉对胡政策决定的。
[Abstract]:Based on the previous research results, this paper studies the local politics of Beijing in the Eastern Han Dynasty from three aspects: administrative system, political situation evolution and ethnic relations, using basic historical and archaeological materials such as Han Shu and Post Han Dynasty. First of all, the research on the administrative system of Beijing area in the Eastern Han Dynasty is divided into two parts: the first part is mainly based on "the History of the County of the Han Dynasty". The change and development process of administrative division and construction in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty were restored by using the existing historical data. The conclusion is that the administrative construction in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty has experienced the change from the concurrent system of county and county to the three-level system of county and county, and the administrative division of this area has not only changed greatly before and after the Eastern Han Dynasty, but also has great adjustment compared with that of the Western Han Dynasty. The second part mainly makes use of the existing historical data and archaeological data to sort out the bureaucratic administrative organizations in Beijing, including four items: state administrative organizations, county administrative organizations, county-level administrative organizations and township administrative organizations. The conclusion is that the bureaucratic administrative organizations of the Eastern Han Dynasty have appropriate adjustment and supplement on the basis of following the general administrative organizations. Secondly, the research on the political situation in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty is divided into two periods: the early Eastern Han Dynasty and the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty. In the early Eastern Han Dynasty, with the successive annihilation of Liu Xiu's regime against Wang Lang's regime, Hebei rebel army, Zhang Feng's regime, Peng's regime, and Guo O, Chen's and Zhang Kan's administration of the Beijing region, the unrest in Beijing gradually stabilized during the Han Dynasty. However, in the middle and late Han Dynasty, because of the exploitation and oppression of the people by the rulers, the gap between the rich and the poor in Beijing increased and the social contradictions became sharp. Finally, a large-scale people's uprising broke out, and the political situation in Beijing began to go into turmoil. Since then, Liu Yu as the pastoral, Beijing area political situation has been temporary stability. However, after Liu Yu was killed, there was a war of warlords in the area of Yuzhou, and the political situation in Beijing plunged into turmoil completely, until Cao Cao unified Hebei and gradually restored stability. This shows that the political situation in Beijing before and after the obvious changes, basically into a parabola situation. Finally, the study on the ethnic relations in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty, mainly discusses the relationship between the Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the three minorities of Xiongnu, Wuhuan and Xianbei. As far as the relationship between Beijing and Xiongnu is concerned, in the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu repeatedly invaded Beijing and the Eastern Han adopted the policy of defense compromise. After the Xiongnu split, the Han Dynasty carried out the Xiongnu policy of "Annan Dingbei". On the relationship between Beijing and Wu Huan, the policy of bribery was adopted in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. In the mid-and late Eastern Han Dynasty, Wu Huan often revolted because of the oppression of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and went south and plundered the Beijing area. Liu Yu governance of Yuzhou to adopt a letter of kindness policy, Wu Huan gradually attached. But after Liu Yu was killed, Wu Huan rebelled again, and was finally calmed down by Cao Cao. On the relationship between Beijing and Xianbei, in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei has many rates. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei grew and began to invade Beijing. At the same time of defense, the Eastern Han carried out necessary counterattacks and gradually weakened its influence. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei Sandalwood Department was strong, and continued to invade Beijing. The counterattack of the Eastern Han Dynasty ended in failure. This has caused social decay in Beijing. But after the death of Honolulu, Xianbei internal contradictions intensified, part of the defection, Beijing basically no longer suffered its harm. It can be seen that the ethnic relations in Beijing show a complicated and changeable situation, which is mainly determined by the strength of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the ethnic minorities and the Hu policy of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
[Abstract]:Based on the previous research results, this paper studies the local politics of Beijing in the Eastern Han Dynasty from three aspects: administrative system, political situation evolution and ethnic relations, using basic historical and archaeological materials such as Han Shu and Post Han Dynasty. First of all, the research on the administrative system of Beijing area in the Eastern Han Dynasty is divided into two parts: the first part is mainly based on "the History of the County of the Han Dynasty". The change and development process of administrative division and construction in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty were restored by using the existing historical data. The conclusion is that the administrative construction in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty has experienced the change from the concurrent system of county and county to the three-level system of county and county, and the administrative division of this area has not only changed greatly before and after the Eastern Han Dynasty, but also has great adjustment compared with that of the Western Han Dynasty. The second part mainly makes use of the existing historical data and archaeological data to sort out the bureaucratic administrative organizations in Beijing, including four items: state administrative organizations, county administrative organizations, county-level administrative organizations and township administrative organizations. The conclusion is that the bureaucratic administrative organizations of the Eastern Han Dynasty have appropriate adjustment and supplement on the basis of following the general administrative organizations. Secondly, the research on the political situation in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty is divided into two periods: the early Eastern Han Dynasty and the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty. In the early Eastern Han Dynasty, with the successive annihilation of Liu Xiu's regime against Wang Lang's regime, Hebei rebel army, Zhang Feng's regime, Peng's regime, and Guo O, Chen's and Zhang Kan's administration of the Beijing region, the unrest in Beijing gradually stabilized during the Han Dynasty. However, in the middle and late Han Dynasty, because of the exploitation and oppression of the people by the rulers, the gap between the rich and the poor in Beijing increased and the social contradictions became sharp. Finally, a large-scale people's uprising broke out, and the political situation in Beijing began to go into turmoil. Since then, Liu Yu as the pastoral, Beijing area political situation has been temporary stability. However, after Liu Yu was killed, there was a war of warlords in the area of Yuzhou, and the political situation in Beijing plunged into turmoil completely, until Cao Cao unified Hebei and gradually restored stability. This shows that the political situation in Beijing before and after the obvious changes, basically into a parabola situation. Finally, the study on the ethnic relations in Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty, mainly discusses the relationship between the Beijing area of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the three minorities of Xiongnu, Wuhuan and Xianbei. As far as the relationship between Beijing and Xiongnu is concerned, in the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu repeatedly invaded Beijing and the Eastern Han adopted the policy of defense compromise. After the Xiongnu split, the Han Dynasty carried out the Xiongnu policy of "Annan Dingbei". On the relationship between Beijing and Wu Huan, the policy of bribery was adopted in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. In the mid-and late Eastern Han Dynasty, Wu Huan often revolted because of the oppression of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and went south and plundered the Beijing area. Liu Yu governance of Yuzhou to adopt a letter of kindness policy, Wu Huan gradually attached. But after Liu Yu was killed, Wu Huan rebelled again, and was finally calmed down by Cao Cao. On the relationship between Beijing and Xianbei, in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei has many rates. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei grew and began to invade Beijing. At the same time of defense, the Eastern Han carried out necessary counterattacks and gradually weakened its influence. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Xianbei Sandalwood Department was strong, and continued to invade Beijing. The counterattack of the Eastern Han Dynasty ended in failure. This has caused social decay in Beijing. But after the death of Honolulu, Xianbei internal contradictions intensified, part of the defection, Beijing basically no longer suffered its harm. It can be seen that the ethnic relations in Beijing show a complicated and changeable situation, which is mainly determined by the strength of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the ethnic minorities and the Hu policy of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
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