发布时间:2018-08-13 19:40
【摘要】: 浙东地区自南宋以来就一直是儒学传承的重要区域,是朱学嫡脉所在。元末明初之际浙东人文鼎盛、英才辈出,他们籍贯相同、学脉相通、交往频繁,逐渐形成了一个规模庞大、关系紧密的士大夫群。 元末,以宋濂、刘基为代表的第一代浙东士大夫们大量进入朱元璋政权,组成高层顾问和官僚群,在元明易代和创建明朝的过程中发挥了重要作用。明开国后,面对洪武空前专制暴政,浙东士大夫们力图对太祖进行劝导和进谏,却遭到太祖的政治压制和打击,命运悲惨。太祖故后,以方孝孺为首的浙东士大夫再度受到重用,进入建文朝廷,推动实施新政,对洪武时期过苛过严的集权控制方式进行调整和矫正。然而燕王朱棣起兵“靖难”,篡位继统,忠于建文政权的浙东士大夫中翘楚人物连同其弟子门人在壬午之难中几乎尽数罹难,该地区绵延上百年的儒学传承体系遭到毁灭性破坏,人才凋零,文脉中断。元末明初辉煌一时、影响巨大的浙东士大夫群体自此走向衰落与终结。 本文对生活在元末明初这一剧烈变革动荡时代的浙东士大夫群进行专门性的整体考察,以期充分反映该群体的生存状况、内部关系、时代作用和社会影响,完整展示其形成、发展、衰落的历史过程。同时,,把浙东士大夫群视为明初君主集权空前强化社会背景下全国士大夫的一个缩影,藉此个案,分析探讨专制皇权与士大夫之间的互动模式,并考察中国传统士大夫的济世思想、仕隐选择、道义气节等诸方面内容。
[Abstract]:East Zhejiang has been an important area of Confucianism since Southern Song Dynasty, where Zhu Xue came from. At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the people in East Zhejiang were flourishing and talented people came out in large numbers. They had the same origin, the same academic background and frequent contacts, and gradually formed a large-scale and close-knit group of scholar-bureaucrats.
At the end of Yuan Dynasty, the first generation of scholars and officials in eastern Zhejiang, represented by Song Li and Liu Ji, entered the regime of Zhu Yuanzhang and formed high-level consultants and bureaucrats. They played an important role in the process of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties and the founding of the Ming Dynasty. After Taizu's death, the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang, headed by Fang Xiaoru, were reused again, entered the Jianwen court, promoted the implementation of the New Deal, and adjusted and rectified the excessively harsh centralized control during the Hongwu period. The outstanding scholar-bureaucrats and their disciples almost died in the Renwu disaster. The inheritance system of Confucianism in this area, which lasted for hundreds of years, was destroyed, the talents withered and the context was interrupted.
This paper makes a special overall investigation of the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang in the turbulent period of drastic changes in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, in order to fully reflect their living conditions, internal relations, the role of the times and social influences, and to fully display the historical process of their formation, development and decline. At the same time, it regards the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang as the centralization of monarchy in the early Ming Dynasty In an unprecedented microcosm of scholar-bureaucrats in China under the background of strengthening society, this paper analyzes and discusses the interactive mode between autocratic imperial power and scholar-bureaucrats, and inspects the traditional Chinese scholar-bureaucrats'thoughts of saving the world, the choice of official seclusion, moral integrity and other aspects.
[Abstract]:East Zhejiang has been an important area of Confucianism since Southern Song Dynasty, where Zhu Xue came from. At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the people in East Zhejiang were flourishing and talented people came out in large numbers. They had the same origin, the same academic background and frequent contacts, and gradually formed a large-scale and close-knit group of scholar-bureaucrats.
At the end of Yuan Dynasty, the first generation of scholars and officials in eastern Zhejiang, represented by Song Li and Liu Ji, entered the regime of Zhu Yuanzhang and formed high-level consultants and bureaucrats. They played an important role in the process of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties and the founding of the Ming Dynasty. After Taizu's death, the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang, headed by Fang Xiaoru, were reused again, entered the Jianwen court, promoted the implementation of the New Deal, and adjusted and rectified the excessively harsh centralized control during the Hongwu period. The outstanding scholar-bureaucrats and their disciples almost died in the Renwu disaster. The inheritance system of Confucianism in this area, which lasted for hundreds of years, was destroyed, the talents withered and the context was interrupted.
This paper makes a special overall investigation of the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang in the turbulent period of drastic changes in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, in order to fully reflect their living conditions, internal relations, the role of the times and social influences, and to fully display the historical process of their formation, development and decline. At the same time, it regards the scholar-bureaucrats in eastern Zhejiang as the centralization of monarchy in the early Ming Dynasty In an unprecedented microcosm of scholar-bureaucrats in China under the background of strengthening society, this paper analyzes and discusses the interactive mode between autocratic imperial power and scholar-bureaucrats, and inspects the traditional Chinese scholar-bureaucrats'thoughts of saving the world, the choice of official seclusion, moral integrity and other aspects.
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3 王进;元代后期文人雅集的书画活动研究[D];中国艺术研究院;2010年
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