[Abstract]:Hedong, as the name implies, refers to the east of the river. The Hedong region of the Tang Dynasty includes what is now Shanxi Province and the region between the Great Wall in and outside Hebei Province. Due to the rise of Tang Dynasty in Hedong, so the feelings of this region are very deep. Several early Tang emperors have issued several orders to promote the political status of Hedong, and Taiyuan is one of the capital of Tang Dynasty. In addition, due to the special geographical location of Hedong, it is a barrier against these forces. At the same time, Hedong is also famous for its wealth, producing grain that is often supplied to both Beijing and other regions. Therefore, in the early Tang Dynasty, Hedong played an important role in the politics, military, economy and other aspects of the Tang Dynasty, and played an important role in the operation of the country. During the period of Xuanzong, the national strength was strong, and the political and military strength was enhanced compared with the early Tang Dynasty. At this time, Xuanzong was also more keen on the military, engaged in a fierce military competition with the four Yi, and set up ten degrees along the border. One of the Hedong region to set up hedong to make, so that their own strategic thinking can be effective. At this time, Hedong area gradually changed from the defense Turkic in the early Tang Dynasty to a link in the military defense circle connected with the surrounding nodal army. This kind of military arrangement of Xuanzong made the Tang Dynasty become the military pattern of "Anshi Rebellion", and Hedong became the war area and the strategic center to resist the Anshi Rebellion. After the rebellion subsided, the town of Hebei remained domineering, so Hedong became an important force to contain Hebei. After the Anshi Rebellion, the status and role of Hedong Town changed compared with before the rebellion. After the Anshi Rebellion, Hedong Town belongs to the Central archetype Town, which is set up to defend Heshuo Town, and also has the duty of protecting the southeast Caoyun. And with this kind of change, the military strength of Hedong area strengthens ceaselessly, tax self-sufficiency, strength also increases ceaselessly. After the Anshi Rebellion, Hedong area changed from the former separation of military and government into the system of integration of military and government, and the local administrative power, military power and financial power were all concentrated together, and became a town of its own system. The political and military status of Hedong region before the Anshi Rebellion was important, but it was under the control of the Tang Central Committee. With the constant changes of the political and military situation, the control of this area in the central part of the Tang Dynasty was gradually weakened, and the military revolt in the Suzong period could be seen. As a result, the dominant relationship between Tang Dynasty and Hedong was gradually desalinated before and after the Anshi Rebellion, and the status of Hedong became more prominent.
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