[Abstract]:Military system is the basic component of the state system of the Southern Song Dynasty. While inheriting the old system of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty made adjustments to the military system in various aspects because of the changes of internal and external situations. Therefore, compared with the Northern Song Dynasty, it presents many different characteristics. We try to reveal systematically this change and its effect and influence from one side.
The first chapter discusses the Central Military Leadership System of the Southern Song Dynasty. The Central Military Leadership System of the Southern Song Dynasty basically inherited the dividing rule of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the system design, the Privy Council and the three provinces assumed the power of the civil and military affairs respectively. But in the execution state, the three provinces and the Privy Council presidents worked together for a long time, almost extending the whole Southern Song Dynasty. In fact, the confrontation between the two governments was broken. In addition, the establishment of the speed room and the destruction of the feudal system by the two governments made the military power centralized further, thus affecting the military and political structure of the Southern Song Dynasty as a whole.
Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 mainly discuss the local military leadership system in Southern Song Dynasty, and divide it into three periods.
In the early stage, from the founding of the Southern Song Dynasty to the fourth year of Jianyan in June, the Southern Song Dynasty basically maintained the old system of the Northern Song Dynasty. There was no drastic change in the system. The greatest measure in its military system was to promote the system of appeasement envoys in an all-round way, but its authority did not exceed the scope of appeasement envoys in the Northern Song Dynasty. From June 4, the Southern Song Dynasty established governors in the areas of Jinghu and Huaihe in order to practise the law of feudal towns, while maintaining the old system in other areas. This pattern basically continued until June 4. After investigating the relationship between Zhenfu envoy and other United Army organizations and the military power of several peace envoys in the south of the Yangtze River, this paper holds that the purpose of setting up the local military leadership system in the Southern Song Dynasty was to calm down civil strife and give consideration to national defense. Cheng was characterized by the stabilization of the defense zone of the generals who served as the command envoy and the Xuanfu envoy: in terms of the overlapping military structures at the same level or the division of the functions and powers of the military officers at the same level within the same organization, the military was dominated by the generals; in terms of the military establishment, the forces gradually concentrated to the generals. Xing five December.
In the middle period, the main army of the Southern Song Dynasty was directly under the jurisdiction of the commander-in-chief of Zhudu and the Sanyas, and the commander-in-chief was set up to provide full-time munitions to the foreign armies. The commander-in-chief was responsible for reporting to the central authorities the situation of the foreign armies. At the same time, he had clear power of examination and supervision in recruiting soldiers and promoting generals and assistants. In the Southern Song Dynasty, both commanders and Sanyas had the right to command, but they had no right to employ troops. The local pacification envoys had the right to employ troops, while the temporary appointment envoys and other commanders were sent to fight when they needed to employ troops during the war. Besides Sichuan, the characteristics of the local military leadership system in the middle of Southern Song Dynasty can be summarized as "the scattered masters of military power". The pacify and the courtier thus gained the power to control the garrison.
In the later period, because of the continuous war, the local military organizations in the Southern Song Dynasty were set up frequently and changed greatly. In this period, the local military leadership system was characterized by both unification and division. In addition, it strengthens the links between war zones by means of the merger of war zone commanders and the establishment of policy-making departments, control departments and other institutions; in terms of division, there are also sub-ambassadors, sub-commanders and governors'ambassadors, and other small regional military zones, while local prefectures and prefectures have set up control departments to control the stationed troops. The system gradually collapsed.
The fifth chapter of this paper studies the military leadership system in the Southern Song Dynasty. The governor's office in the Southern Song Dynasty is divided into two forms: the governor's office and the governor's office. The governor's office is established in wartime. The governor's office can be regarded as the highest military command organization in wartime, and the other governors office is the highest local military organization. The superintendent's office was the product of the high concentration of power in the Southern Song Dynasty, which embodied the flexibility of the central government in commanding the military.
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