[Abstract]:At the beginning of the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the highest official positions in the ruling system, including the five "great" generals appointed at the same time, were very different from the system of the Western Han Dynasty, when there were only great generals and hussars (not in parallel). Of the 32 Founding Meritorious officials in Yuntai, 15 were "generals", and as many as 14 were generals, many of whom were new "big" generals with specific names. " ZTE 28 will "experience in the Jianwu years, more fully reflecting the specific conditions of the General during the Guangwu period, second only to the hussars General Jing Dan of the Great Sima Wu Han, General Geng Li of Jianwei, and General Geyan of the Tiger teeth." General Zhu yP, and others, as the highest level generals, took part in the command of a large number of wars. In the period of Emperor Guangwu, there were nearly fifty generals, equal to the total number of generals of the Western Han Dynasty. This is a continuation of the proliferation of general names since Wang Mang was photographed, and is related to the political and military situation in the early days of the Eastern Han Dynasty. After 13 years in the spring of Jianwu, Emperor Guangwu immediately took great measures to banish Wu Xiuwen, screen down the meritorious service, and most of the great generals and general names were removed. After that, Emperor Guangwu saw only a few generals in more than a decade. The hussars were on their way to Dasma, and General Vubo had been ordered to quell the southern seaboard rebellion, and the battle would be scrapped as soon as the war was over.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学历史学院;
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