
发布时间:2018-10-18 10:00
[Abstract]:The ecological relationship among small-scale farmers in the Jia-Hu area of the Ming Dynasty was formed on the basis of Sangji agriculture. Smallholder families could control the fields, natural disasters, animals and plants, and the environment within the family to a certain extent. Mulberry-based agricultural system can continue to implement intensive production. Under the impetus of national relegation and population growth, people adapt to the increasing pressure by using the form of mulberry ecological agriculture. The official retax affects the land use level and the psychological capacity and management level of the smallholder family. Market forces determine the balance between mulberry leaves and sericulture, and the choice of mulberry varieties and fish farming methods, all of which require men to be highly sensitive to the market. The adjustment of the environment of sericulture and silk industry is basically done through the women in the home. They are sensitive not only to the habitat of mulberry trees in the field, but also to the temperature control and water use choice of sericulture and silk industry, as well as to the environment centered on housing. High sensitivity to production has gradually become the character of small farmers in the south of the Yangtze River.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学历史地理研究中心;
【基金】:国家重大社会科学基金项目“宋代以来长江三角洲环境变迁史研究”(批准号:09&ZD068) 复旦大学丁诺尔中心项目《气候、水土环境与江南生态史(9-20世纪)》阶段性成果之一


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