[Abstract]:Jin Luxiang is a great scholar in the early Yuan Dynasty of Song Dynasty. His studies of classics, history, and textual research all have profound attainments. Jin's Classics takes Shang Shu as a major part, and its "Zizhitong Jian" is a representative masterpiece based on the framework of Shang Shu. The monographs of Jin's "Shang Shu" theory have been spread to the present, there are two kinds of works: "Shang Shu Note" 12 volumes, one volume; "Shang Shu Table Note" 2 volumes, second also. "Shang Shu Table Note" is Kim's late age theory, and there is absolutely no doubt; As for the 12 volumes of Shang Shu, the textual examination of the Jing Yi cited Zhang Yunzhang's preface, saying that this book was a note for the interpretation of Zhang's sentences in the early years of Renshan's early life, but later it was called "Table Note". The latter biography is written along this line. However, its claim has no evidence, is very suspicious. I have tasted the article "Jin Luxiang's Note on Shang Shu" 12 volumes of textual Research and differences, and contrasted Jin's "Shang Shu Table Note" with "Shang Shu Note" 12 volumes (according to Lu Xinyuan < 100,000 Book Series), "Zizhitong Jianjian", And the article on the matter of "Shang Shu" in "Ren Shan Ji" has confirmed that Jin Luxiang's "Shang Shu Notes", in fact, was compiled by the pseudo-authors of Jin's "Shang Shu" theory as described in Jin's "Zizhitong Jian Qianqian". In 2011, Hsu Yulong, inspired by his own research, learned that there were 12 volumes of Kim's "Shang Shu Notes", and there were still 12 volumes of "Shang Shu's Notes" by Fang Kwan-hui [Bilin Lang Guang Guan]. And this book and < 100, 000 volumes of books] this content is very different. Then obtained that "Bilinlang Ben" is also a fake, according to the Yuan Dynasty Chen Shikai "book Cai Zhuan Bantong" as the base, plus the relevant documents and Kim materials, together with the preface and postscript, fish to sell their deceiving. Xu Jun wrote "Bilin Langguan series" this "Jin Shang Shu Note" the author of an article, published. The conclusion is that this book was written by people after the middle Qing Dynasty. Xu Jun's theory is credible, but there are a number of key materials can not be clarified. This thesis is a reexamination and deduces the possibility of false suspects.
【作者单位】: 台湾高雄师范大学经学研究所;
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