[Abstract]:As a case, the regional culture of Wenzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, represented by Yongjia School, illustrates the following conclusions: (1) the interaction between the cultural center and the marginal areas is characterized by the input-feedback mode. The first chapter of this paper discusses the process of the second stage of Taoism to Wenzhou, the second chapter discusses that this input changed the cultural marginal position of Wenzhou in the early Southern Song Dynasty, the third chapter, the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter, This paper discusses the reflection and reconstruction of the Taoist heritage by Wenzhou literati and officials, and produces Yongjia School. This school enriched the mainstream thought of Taoism by arguing with Zhu Xi. In the sixth chapter, Zhu Xi's Zhu Zi School finally conquered Wenzhou. The whole process reflects the interactive relationship between the mainstream culture and the regional culture, which responds to the conclusion that the local intellectual elite tended to pay attention to local affairs in the Southern Song Dynasty. (2) the second focus of this thesis is to observe the exchange of cultural capital and social capital in Wenzhou of Southern Song Dynasty. The input of new knowledge brings the advantage of imperial examination. When the cultural center was in Heluo area, the local people also obtained the convenience of the imperial examination, and Wenzhou Shizi had to go to this area to seek new ideas and nutrients and learn the knowledge of the imperial examination. When the cultural center was transferred to the south of the Yangtze River, Wenzhou combined the imperial examination knowledge with the original Yongjia school of thought to some extent, thus gained the advantage in the field of science.
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