[Abstract]:Gui Fu is a famous scholar, calligrapher, seal engraver and one of the four famous scholars in Qing Dynasty. He likes gold stone, good at Zhuan Li, good governance, and this as a basis, widely known the world scholars. One of the long-term intersection, deep mutual knowledge, when the promotion of Weng Fang Gang. They studied stone together, carefully studied the article, discussed the art of books, refined academic, before and after nearly 40 years. The friendship between Gui Fu and Weng Fang Gang, on the one hand, expanded the scope of friendship and improved academic attainments; on the other hand, it promoted the progress of academic research and promoted the development and prosperity of the Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》编辑部;
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