
发布时间:2018-12-20 17:47
【摘要】: 中国古代,历朝中央政府都设有中央接待馆舍,这一接待机构类似于今天的“国宾馆”,以此作为专门接待周边地区少数民族朝觐使臣和外国朝贡来使的居住场所。在清代,,随着统治机构的日渐完善,对接待周边四夷少数民族和外国朝觐使臣的接待场所也进一步完善。清代的中央接待馆舍主要包括会同四译馆、内馆、外馆、俄罗斯馆以及对内接待的其他馆舍等。他们分别属于不同的部门管辖。会同四译馆隶属于礼部管辖,内馆、外馆、俄罗斯馆以及对内接待的其他馆舍等则归属于理藩院管理。同样是中央接待场所,但是管理权的归属却是不同的,这反映了清代对中央接待馆舍的权属划分更加细致。同时,对清代的中央接待馆舍进行深入全面的研究,有助于我们在了解清代处理边疆少数民族关系以及邻国关系等方面进行综合思考,有助于更全面理解和把握清代处理边疆少数民族以及和邻国交往的政策。 本文,对清代的中央接待馆舍将按照管理部门归属的不同作为划分阐述的主要依据,就中央接待馆舍的建制、接待功能、经济功能等各个表现方面进行论述,以中央接待馆舍作为载体,从而透视在朝贡体系下的清朝对边疆少数民族地区的管理体制,同时对朝贡体制下的清朝的外交有更全面的认识。
[Abstract]:In ancient China, the central government had set up a central reception house, which is similar to today's "state guesthouse", as a special place to host the pilgrimage envoys and foreign tributes in the surrounding areas. In the Qing Dynasty, with the gradual improvement of the ruling institutions, the reception places for the neighboring Siyi ethnic minorities and foreign pilgrims were further improved. The central reception premises in the Qing Dynasty mainly included the four translation halls, the inner hall, the outer library, the Russian library and other premises. They fall under the jurisdiction of different departments. The translation hall is under the jurisdiction of the etiquette department, while the inner, outer, Russian and other premises are under the management of the Lifangyuan. The same is the central reception place, but the ownership of the management power is different, which reflects the Qing Dynasty to the central reception premises ownership division more detailed. At the same time, a thorough and comprehensive study of the central reception premises in the Qing Dynasty will help us to think comprehensively about how the Qing Dynasty handled the relations between the ethnic minorities in the border areas and the relations between the neighboring countries. It is helpful to understand and grasp the policy of dealing with the border ethnic minorities and the neighboring countries in Qing Dynasty. In this paper, the central reception premises of the Qing Dynasty will be divided and expounded according to the different ownership of the management departments, and the system, reception function, economic function and other aspects of the central reception premises will be discussed. With the central reception premises as the carrier, the Qing Dynasty had a more comprehensive understanding of the Qing Dynasty's diplomacy under the tributary system and the management system of the frontier ethnic minority areas under the tributary system.


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