[Abstract]:Religious belief has many reasons and civil society factors. In order to understand the doctrine deeply and try to understand the world and the mystery of life, the second group is generally informed of the influence of Catholicism on the future life of the individual, the third is to become a member of religion to cure diseases and disasters, and the fourth is to obtain some economic benefits for the poor. The fifth is the low cost of belief, and the sixth is that the moral character of the clergyman is attractive. One or two factors in these six aspects will lead to the worship of God and the entrance to religion, but the second reason is more. Chinese civil society has the conditions for the dissemination of Catholicism, such as family consciousness and patriarchal system, people's mentality of conformity, and the concept of Hell, which has long been spread by Buddhism and Taoism, are all the social factors contributing to the religious people's belief in Catholicism. As a result of their understanding of the doctrine, their trust in life, their habits in religious life, and their attachment to the church, they have formed a profound religious complex, so that they would rather die than change their faith and adopt an attitude toward the official prohibition of religion. And even the introduction of Western missionaries. From this, we can see that the strong political prohibition of religion will not achieve the desired results. Only by changing and eliminating those social factors that the believers follow, can the religious feelings of the religious people be dispelled, which the Qing Dynasty government could never achieve. It is because of Catholic missionary activities and folk religion that they will not disappear.
【作者单位】: 南开大学中国社会史研究中心;
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