
发布时间:2018-12-23 08:10
[Abstract]:The famous Xinfang country in ancient Chinese history, also known as the Xin family, is a descendant of the Xia royal family. Its family name if the name of the country from the name of ten days such as the name of the system, this writing "Xin", "Xin" as late to use the word. At the beginning of summer, the ancient Xin nationality was established in Weihe river basin, and later its main branch moved to the east gradually to the east. At the time of summer and Shang, it was founded in the east and west of Henan province, and became a generous country subordinate to the Shang dynasty. The history of Xinguo in ancient times was gradually tested in the Shang Dynasty. In the historical book of the Pre-Qin Dynasty, the year of Bamboo Books, there were records of the rebellion between Xinren and Zhou people in the early Shang Dynasty. In the Book of songs, there were also records of the marriage between Xinren and Zhou people in the late Shang Dynasty. After moving to the east, Xinzu gradually became barren, and by the time of Shang and Zhou Dynasty, its nationality was migrated to Xinxian. Yoon, the number one meritorious minister who assisted Shang Tang to destroy Xia in the summer and Shang Dynasty, from the relevant information of Oracle, may have originated from Shang nationality, or from outside Shang nationality. Because he served the Xin clan, he was not only a statesman in Shang Dynasty, but also an important figure in ancient China.
【作者单位】: 山东大学儒学高等研究院;


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