发布时间:2019-01-26 22:10
【摘要】: 魏征是唐代著名的谏臣,在当时朝中的地位十分显赫。唐代实录、国史中关于他的记载应该很多,魏征还曾经“自录前后谏诤言辞往复”编为《谏事》一书,北宋书目中著录敬播、刘yN之、王方庆等人记载魏征生平事迹的专门书籍多种,但这些书都已经亡佚。而今存王方庆《魏郑公谏录》五卷,南宋以后书目始见著录,它与唐人其他类似书籍及其记载关系如何,是一个值得研究的问题。本文首先分析了《谏录》与专门记载魏征事迹传记、事录类书籍的关系,然后将其内容与《贞观政要》、《唐会要》、两《唐书》、《册府元龟》、《资治通鉴》等书的相关记载进行比较。通过这一文献校证工作,可以看出《谏录》与其他书籍的记载大致相符合,也有些记载详略的差异和文字上的差异,足以相互证明和补充,而且还有几十条仅见于此书的内容,具有较高的史料价值。
[Abstract]:Wei Zheng was a famous remonstrant in Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, there should be a lot of records about him in the history of his country. Wei Zheng once wrote "admonishing and remonstrating things" as a book, which was recorded in the Northern Song Dynasty bibliography, and Liu yN. Wang Fangqing and others recorded Wei Zheng's life and deeds in a variety of specialized books, but these books have been lost. Today, there are five volumes of Wang Fangqing's Wei Zheng Gong remonstrating, and the bibliography of the Southern Song Dynasty is only shown in the description. It is a problem worth studying how it relates to other similar books and records of the Tang people. This paper first analyzes the relationship between the remonstrating record and the books about Wei Zheng's deeds and events, and then compares its contents with the political figures of Zhenguan, Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Yuan Turtles. The relevant records of the book, such as Zhi Tong Jian, are compared. Through this work of document proofreading, we can see that the book of remonstrations is roughly in line with the records of other books. There are also some differences in detail and in writing that are sufficient to prove and supplement each other. Moreover, there are dozens of articles that appear only in this book. It has high historical value.
[Abstract]:Wei Zheng was a famous remonstrant in Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, there should be a lot of records about him in the history of his country. Wei Zheng once wrote "admonishing and remonstrating things" as a book, which was recorded in the Northern Song Dynasty bibliography, and Liu yN. Wang Fangqing and others recorded Wei Zheng's life and deeds in a variety of specialized books, but these books have been lost. Today, there are five volumes of Wang Fangqing's Wei Zheng Gong remonstrating, and the bibliography of the Southern Song Dynasty is only shown in the description. It is a problem worth studying how it relates to other similar books and records of the Tang people. This paper first analyzes the relationship between the remonstrating record and the books about Wei Zheng's deeds and events, and then compares its contents with the political figures of Zhenguan, Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Yuan Turtles. The relevant records of the book, such as Zhi Tong Jian, are compared. Through this work of document proofreading, we can see that the book of remonstrations is roughly in line with the records of other books. There are also some differences in detail and in writing that are sufficient to prove and supplement each other. Moreover, there are dozens of articles that appear only in this book. It has high historical value.
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10 余大芹;;中国古代著名秘书系列之八 具有高超协调能力的中央政府秘书长——魏征[J];秘书工作;2007年08期
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1 武丽霞;唐代杂传研究[D];四川大学;2004年