
发布时间:2019-02-13 17:27
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the content and purport of the reform of equality law in the Ming Dynasty from the perspective of the interaction between the state and the society, according to the "Qin Yi two Zhejiang Equalization Records", which is now stored in the Japanese Sutra Pavilion. The law of equality is mainly aimed at the three offices of Riga, including the reform of supplies and local government funds. This paper points out that at that time, Li Jia Zhengjun in Ming Dynasty was a kind of tribute that appeared in the form of service, the mixture of tax and service, with the characteristics of multiple and mixed, so the reform was fixed on the serve-fiscal reform. The author thinks that after the uniform collection of both equal banks, in the service level, the service is in the form of silver, the official is employed as the servitude, and the national system of servitude tends to decline, and the service part is transferred to the Fu; At the financial level, the financial structure, which is based on the collection of material objects and manpower, has changed and formed a new local financial system with the main form of monetary revenue and expenditure of silver. The reform of equalizing law is the early stage of uniform collection of silver by a whip method, and is also the process of silver monetization. This paper points out that the biggest expense of the three offices is the local government's public expenditure, and the reform is the institutional change in the form of state decrees, with a social foundation, with the literati and officials as the intermediary, with the characteristics of social transformation, indicating that the Ming Dynasty was the beginning of modern money and finance. It is also the beginning of modern monetary and financial management.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;


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