[Abstract]:The thought and practice of ecological environment protection in Zhou and Qin dynasties were not only paid more and more attention by domestic academic circles, but also highly valued by foreign academic circles. However, at present, the academic research on the thought and practice of ecological environment protection in this period is still one-sided and scattered, lack of comprehensive, systematic research and necessary integration. It is difficult for people to have a comprehensive and clear understanding of the evolution of ecological environment in Zhou and Qin dynasties, the emergence and development of ecological environment protection thought and practice, and the factors that lead to the deterioration of ecological environment. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out a comprehensive and systematic collation and research on the thought and practice of ecological environment protection in this period. The study of ecological environment protection should not only study human society, but also investigate the natural environment. Based on this characteristic, it is necessary to carry out interdisciplinary research, taking history as the starting point, adhering to the method of historical analysis, and absorbing and drawing lessons from others such as historical geography, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, philology and philosophy. The achievements of economics and other related disciplines make them integrate with each other, learn from each other, and strive to present the ecological environment, protection thought and practice in front of readers comprehensively, objectively and systematically. In view of the weak links in the current academic research on the thought of ecological environment protection in the Zhou and Qin dynasties, the first chapter of this paper first makes a serious discussion on the historical and cultural origin of the thought of ecological environment protection in the Zhou and Qin dynasties. The purpose of this paper is to explain that the formation of ecological environment protection thought in Zhou and Qin dynasties is not only related to the change of ecological environment at that time, but also has profound historical and cultural details, so it plays an important role in the history of thought. The second chapter describes the ecological environment and its changes from the eleventh century BC to the fifth century BC, that is, from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn period, on the basis of trying to restore the original historical appearance. It shows that the change of ecological environment is closely related to social productive forces, especially the level of agricultural development, war, social activities such as hunting, construction, heavy burial and natural disasters. The emergence of ecological environment problems has contributed to the germination of ecological environment protection thought, but it is only an important condition rather than the only condition for the formation of ecological environment protection thought. The continuous discussion of the relationship between man and nature made them realize the importance of natural environment to themselves, which is an important reason for the origin of ecological environment protection thought in this period. In the third chapter, the above problems are described in a more comprehensive way. The fourth chapter discusses the serious destruction of the ecological environment from the fifth to the third century B.C. during this period, iron agricultural tools began to be widely used, agricultural production has been developed rapidly, social materials have been greatly enriched, rapid population growth, reclamation, construction, thick burial, The expansion of hunting and other activities has put the ecological environment under unprecedented pressure, and regulations
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