[Abstract]:The rise and fall of official coin industry in Jianghuai area is closely related to the flow of monetary policy of Tang government, and has important research value. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the Jianghuai official coin industry was once abandoned because of the destruction of the war, but its innate advantages were maintained and resumed in the early Tang Dynasty. However, compared with the private casting industry, the development of the Jianghuai official coin industry was also limited by the involvement of the government in cracking down on private money twice. Since then, the Tang Dynasty gradually reversed the train of thought of monetary policy, on the one hand, the implementation of the system of government-private exchange, Jianghuai region official coin industry received a great boost, established its status as the center of the national coin industry, but this status was rapidly lost after the outbreak of Anshi chaos due to the pressure of costs and repeated changes in monetary policy, making the Jianghuai region official coin industry finally withdrew from the historical stage in the German and Zong dynasties.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学社会发展学院;
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