[Abstract]:At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three armed forces led by Zhang Jiao, Zhang Lu and Zhang Yan respectively had many similarities in form, but they were different in shape and reality. Due to their respective origins and different positions, the three paths are two ways. Zhang Jiao used Taiping Road to launch the Yellow towel peasant uprising, led by him, the broad yellow towel army, successive, generous martyrdom, showed lofty demeanor, Zhang Jiao deserves to be an outstanding peasant leader. Zhang Lu, who came from a Taoist family, is the master of the five fighting rice, which represents the interests of the strong and powerful clan. He established a regime of unity of politics and religion in Hanzhong, which has nothing to do with the Huangtuan army. Zhang Yan, who led the million Black Mountain Army, was a "teenager" and a Traveller leader. Although he also had some contradictions with the rulers of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after all, there was no fundamental conflict of interests. Zhang Yan started the army nothing more than to fish in troubled waters, not to overthrow the rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Zhang Lu, Zhang Yan, first armed secession, and then actively participated in the warlord war, and with their own military strength as the capital, surrender to the Eastern Han Dynasty court and Cao, Cao Wei meritorious minister and his body, the two can be said to return in the same way.
【作者单位】: 上海大学历史系;
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