本文关键词:新中国成立以来的辛亥革命史研究 出处:《近代史研究》2015年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The revolution of 1911, as a bourgeois revolution in the history of the late Qing Dynasty, has been paid much attention by domestic scholars since the founding of the new China. After more than sixty years of academic accumulation, the study of the history of the 1911 Revolution in China has reached a considerable academic level. The history of the revolution of 1911, as a history of political events, reached its maturity in the early 1990s and entered the stage of watch. Although after 90s at the three turn of social history of modernization and history research, "after the revolution of 1911" research and the strengthening of the government of Qing Dynasty on the history of the revolution of the beneficial development, although the scholars continue on certain issues published some valuable academic treatises, but no breakthrough in the study of the history of events, beyond the research level at the beginning of 90s reached. How to push forward the study of the history of 1911 Revolution and break through the academic bottleneck formed by previous studies is still a major challenge and mission faced by the study of the history of 1911 Revolution in twenty-first Century.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院近代史研究所;
【正文快照】: 在晚清政治史上,1911年的辛亥革命无疑是具有划时代意义的历史事件。它不但推翻了清朝的统治,而且结束了沿袭二千余年的君主专制制度,在中国和亚洲历史上创建了第一个民主共和国。然而,辛亥革命的这一重大历史功绩并不是1911年突然创造的,而是经历了一个较长时期的斗争过程。
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