发布时间:2018-02-12 14:23
本文关键词: 冀鲁豫边区 灾荒 救灾 生产救灾 出处:《山东师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 中共冀鲁豫边区位于山东、河北、河南、安徽、江苏五省结合部,是连接华北华中的交通枢纽,战略位置极为重要。冀鲁豫边区最初所辖范围仅为直南、豫北、鲁西南三块小的抗日根据地,习惯上称小冀鲁豫区。1941年鲁西区与冀鲁豫区合并,习惯上称中冀鲁豫区。1943年冀南区并入冀鲁豫边区,习惯上称为大冀鲁豫区。1945年冀南区又与冀鲁豫区分开,此后所辖区域变化不大。 冀鲁豫边区自然灾害严重,旱灾、水灾、虫灾、雹灾、瘟疫等频繁发生,特别是1941年——1943年连续三年大旱造成了全区性的严重灾荒,1944年的蝗灾又导致大片的田地颗粒无收。与此同时,日军和国民党军队对边区的军事进攻和掠夺更造成严重的灾难。天灾人祸使边区出现了严重的灾荒,大片的土地荒芜,大批的灾民被迫外出逃荒。冀鲁豫边区政府为了救济灾民,设立了救灾机构,制定了一系列的救灾政策。在救灾工作的具体实行方面,边区政府依据救灾政策推行了一系列的救灾措施。首先,对灾民进行直接救济,主要表现在政府筹款,实行急赈;开展借粮运动,就地自救;安置灾民,照顾妇幼。 其次,恢复农业生产,包括兴修水利、推广农业技术、垦殖荒地、推行吴满有路线、发展农业互助组、抢种庄稼、贷种、低息贷款、开展灭虫运动等。第三,扶植发展工商业,主要包括发行抗钞统一货币、成立公营商店实行公营贸易、加强集市管理、发展贸易、发展具有商业性质的合作社、扶植纺织业和其他手工业的生产。此外,边区政府还实行了其他的一些救灾措施,如减负救灾、节约救灾、精兵简政、部队参加生产、反资敌反抢粮、开展赎人运动等。 冀鲁豫边区政府的这一系列救灾措施体现了以下特点:第一,将生产救灾作为救灾的主要方式,呈现出生产自救的特点。第二,注重自力更生。第三,注重对贫雇农的救济。第四,注重中共党员在救灾中的表率作用。 冀鲁豫边区的这一系列救灾措施取了了较好的成效:首先挽救了无数灾民的生命。其次,促进了灾区生产的迅速恢复。第三,赢得了民心,获得了灾民的广泛拥护。第四,巩固了边区,为抗日战争和解放战争的胜利打下了基础。第五,起到了移风易俗的作用。
[Abstract]:The border region of Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu is located in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. It is a transportation hub connecting North China and Central China. The strategic position of the border region of Hebei, Shandong and Henan is extremely important. Three small anti-Japanese base areas in southwest Shandong, customarily known as the small region of Hebei, Shandong and Henan. In 1941, the western part of Shandong merged with the region of Hebei, Shandong and Henan, and was customarily called the Central region of Hebei, Shandong and Henan. On 1943, the southern part of Hebei was incorporated into the border region of Hebei and Shandong. In 1945, southern Hebei was distinguished from Hebei, Shandong and Henan, but since then, the region has not changed much. Serious natural disasters, drought, floods, insect pests, hail and plagues occur frequently in the Hebei, Shandong and Henan border areas. In particular, from 1941 to 1943, three consecutive years of severe drought caused severe famine in the whole region, and the locusts of 1944 resulted in the loss of large areas of land. At the same time, The Japanese and Kuomintang troops' military attacks and pillages on the border areas have caused even more serious disasters. The natural and man-made disasters have caused serious famine in the border areas, and vast areas of land have been desolated. A large number of victims were forced to flee from famine. In order to help the victims, the government of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan Border region set up disaster relief agencies and formulated a series of disaster relief policies. The government of the Border region carried out a series of disaster relief measures according to the disaster relief policy. First of all, direct relief to the victims was mainly manifested in the government raising funds, implementing emergency relief; carrying out grain borrowing campaigns to help themselves; resettling the victims and taking care of women and children. Secondly, to resume agricultural production, including building water conservancy, popularizing agricultural technology, reclaiming wasteland, carrying out the Wu Man Youyou line, developing agricultural mutual-aid teams, grabbing crops, borrowing crops, lending low-interest loans, launching pest control campaigns, and so on. To foster the development of industry and commerce, including the issuance of anti-banknotes, the establishment of public shops to carry out public trade, the strengthening of market management, the development of trade, the development of co-operative societies of a commercial nature, and the fostering of production in the textile and other handicraft industries. The government of the Border region also carried out some other relief measures, such as reducing the burden and providing disaster relief, economizing on disaster relief, streamlining the administration of troops, taking part in production, fighting against the enemy and robbing grain, and launching a campaign to redeem people. This series of disaster relief measures by the government of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan Border region embodies the following characteristics: first, taking production and disaster relief as the main way of disaster relief, showing the characteristics of self-help through production; second, paying attention to self-reliance; and third, taking production and disaster relief as the main means of disaster relief. Pay attention to the relief to the poor peasants. 4th, pay attention to the exemplary role of CPC members in disaster relief. The series of disaster relief measures in the Hebei, Shandong and Henan border areas have achieved good results: first, they have saved the lives of countless victims; secondly, they have promoted the rapid recovery of production in the disaster areas; third, they have won popular support and won the widespread support of the victims. 4th. Consolidated the Border region, laid the foundation for the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation. 5th, played a role in changing the customs.
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3 苏新留;晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地抗灾渡荒述略[J];南阳师范学院学报(社会科学版);2004年11期
4 苑书耸;;晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地的水旱灾害与水利建设[J];华北水利水电学院学报(社科版);2009年06期
5 苑书耸;;晋冀鲁豫抗日根据地的灾荒与救济[J];山东省农业管理干部学院学报;2009年03期
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