本文关键词: “九一八” “十四年抗战” 全民抗战 民族凝聚力 出处:《社会科学战线》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The article calls the "War of Resistance against the whole people", that is, the War of Resistance against the whole nation. It is based on military resistance, but is not limited to military affairs. It should include political, economic, diplomatic, ideological and cultural aspects, etc. The definition of the War of Resistance against Japan among the whole people, The yardstick is not whether a certain regime resists the war of resistance or not, but is measured by the general anti-Japanese identity and participation of the people throughout the country. Nor is there any difference in region and space, or in the scale of the War of Resistance against Japan. Any action of resistance that has national influence and is widely supported by the people of the whole country can be regarded as an important part of the war of resistance of the whole nation; any war or campaign that can represent the war of resistance of the nation, The incident was an integral part of the Anti-Japanese War of the whole people. The war of aggression against China launched by Japan after "918" began with the occupation of northeast China. Due to the differences in the national strength of China and Japan and the special historical conditions at that time, The Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japanese aggression can only begin with the restoration of the territory of Northeast China. In this sense, whether it was the resistance of the Northeast people after "918" or the resistance of the people inside the region, it is a national war of resistance that represents the will of the Chinese nation.
【作者单位】: 辽宁大学历史学院;
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