本文关键词: 近代工程学 工程知识与技术 西学东渐 出处:《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the 16th and 17th centuries, Chinese and Western traditional technology began to develop in two different directions: Chinese traditional technology developed in the direction of "skill", while Western traditional technology came closer and closer to modern science and finally combined in the middle of 18th century. Like most disciplines in modern times, Western engineering knowledge and technology were gradually introduced into China through missionaries to China, attracting the attention of Chinese native intellectuals. As early as the late Ming period before the birth of modern engineering, there was a brief contact between Chinese and Western traditional "engineering" technology. A few scholars, represented by Wang Zheng, had begun to pay close attention to western "engineering" knowledge and technology. But for various reasons, the "engineering" contacts between China and the West were limited in scope and the results were not satisfactory. In the late Qing Dynasty, under the background of "Western learning to the east", Western modern engineering knowledge and technology began to spread to China on a large scale, attracting a large number of native Chinese intellectuals to participate in it, forming a large number of translations and works related to engineering. Native engineering and technical talents are constantly emerging and the level of engineering technology is constantly improving. The spread of modern western engineering knowledge and technology in China has promoted the beginning of modern Chinese engineering. It became an important factor that had a positive influence on the development of modern industry and social progress.
【作者单位】: 教育部高校社会科学发展研究中心;
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