本文关键词: 奉系 东北易帜 谈判 东北政治分会 国民党 出处:《历史教学(下半月刊)》2014年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The issue of the Northeast political Branch is the core issue in the negotiation of a new school. Its essence is the question of who actually controls the local regime in the Northeast, and at the same time, it is also the question of how the local regime in the Northeast will transition to the local regime of the Kuomintang. The first stage of the negotiations, Jiang Jieshi adopted a two-pronged strategy of threat of force and political coercion. In order to be forced to give a timetable for dealing with Chiang Kai-shek 's political offensive, he was forced to give a timetable for dealing with the threat of force. The second stage of the negotiations was carried out. Jiang Jieshi has adopted a strategy to break apart the internal and external problems between the customs and the outside. However, Zhang Xueliang insisted on the policy of bundling the internal and external issues and demanded a package solution. At the same time, in the easy-school negotiations, Zhang Xueliang also made good use of the Japanese factor. Forcing Jiang Jieshi to finally compromise, The internal cause of the end realization of the Northeast change School lies in the Kuomintang's recognition of the actual control of the local regime in the Northeast by the Kuomintang. The Northeast change School also revealed the local power school and the central government during the Republic of China. The political game between governments, Its essence lies in seeking independent living space and political space.
【作者单位】: 赣南师范学院中央苏区研究中心;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“南京国民政府东北政务委员会研究”(13CZS030)阶段性成果 江西省高等学校重点学科赣南师范学院中国史重点学科项目
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