本文选题:抗战时期 切入点:工业内迁 出处:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:1937年“七·七”事变之后,中华民族开始全面抗战。随着上海、南京的陷落,10月南京国民政府被迫战略转移到重庆。与此同时,东部沿海沿江地带的工业为了发展战时生产、支持抗战,也纷纷迁往大后方,这一事件被称为中国实业界的“敦刻尔克”。 战时工业内迁,主要迁往地以四川为主,而又以重庆为中心,因而对西南地区的开发、西南经济的发展,起到了相当大的推动作用。内迁到重庆的工业,作为中国经济抗战的重要组成部分,对当时陪都的持久抗战,乃至全国的持久抗战,也有很强的支撑作用。更为重要的是,战时内迁工业在重庆的分布格局,加速了重庆在抗日战争时期的城市化进程,为新时期重庆工业的布局和发展提供了参考,并对战后的重庆城市化进程有着深远的影响。 本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,主要对战时内迁到渝的工业进行总体分析,梳理、总结它们在重庆的独特发展历程,并以重庆两江新区的形成和发展为例,阐述战时内迁到渝工业对重庆城市化进程的影响。 全文主要分成前言、正文、结语三个部分。 前言部分,概括介绍了本文的选题缘由、研究背景、研究现状、研究方法、研究的重点和难点以及城市化等相关概念的解释。 正文由三个部分组成: 第一部分主要阐述了抗战时期工业内迁的相关情况,包括工业内迁的时代背景、重庆所具有的西部城市所无法比拟的区位优势和内迁工业的基本情况,以及其对重庆经济发展的影响。 第二部分主要论述了战时内迁工业对重庆城市化进程的影响,包括重庆工业的快速发展、重庆城市人口急剧增加等方面。 第三部分主要分析了战时内迁到重庆的工业对重庆两江经济带的发展、以及两江新区的形成和发展所起到的重要作用。 结语部分主要是对全文进行提纲挈领的概括,梳理文章的脉络,总结重庆战时经济社会发展的经验教训。
[Abstract]:After the "July 7th" incident in 1937, the Chinese nation began an all-out war of resistance. With the fall of Shanghai and Nanjing, in October the Nanjing National Government was forced to strategically transfer to Chongqing. At the same time, in order to develop wartime production in the eastern coastal areas along the Yangtze River, Support for the War of Resistance, also moved to the rear, this incident known as the Chinese industry, "Dunkirk." During the war, the internal relocation of industry mainly took Sichuan as the main place and Chongqing as the center. Therefore, it played a significant role in promoting the development of the southwest region and the development of the economy of the southwest. As an important part of China's economic war of resistance, it also played a very strong supporting role in the protracted war of resistance in the accompanying capital at that time, and even in the protracted war of resistance throughout the country. More importantly, the distribution pattern of the internal relocation industry in Chongqing during the war. It accelerates the urbanization of Chongqing during the War of Resistance against Japan, provides a reference for the layout and development of Chongqing industry in the new period, and has a profound influence on the urbanization process of Chongqing after the war. On the basis of absorbing the previous research achievements, this paper mainly analyzes the industries that moved to Chongqing during the wartime, summarizes their unique development course in Chongqing, and takes the formation and development of the Liangjiang New area of Chongqing as an example. This paper expounds the influence of the internal relocation of Chongqing industry to Chongqing's urbanization process during the war. The full text is divided into three parts: preface, text and conclusion. In the preface, it introduces the reason, the background, the present situation, the research method, the emphasis and difficulty of the research, and the explanation of the related concepts such as urbanization and so on. The body consists of three parts:. The first part mainly expounds the relevant situation of the industrial internal migration during the Anti-Japanese War, including the background of the industrial internal migration, the location superiority of Chongqing's western cities, and the basic situation of the internal relocation industry. And its impact on the economic development of Chongqing. The second part mainly discusses the influence of the internal relocation industry on the urbanization process of Chongqing, including the rapid development of Chongqing industry and the rapid increase of urban population in Chongqing. The third part mainly analyzes the important role that the industry moved to Chongqing during the war to the development of the economic belt of the two rivers in Chongqing and the formation and development of the new area of the two rivers. The conclusion part is a summary of the full text, combing the context of the article, summing up Chongqing's wartime economic and social development experience and lessons.
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