本文选题:曾国荃 切入点:曾国藩 出处:《湘潭大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 曾国荃是曾国藩之弟,早年参与创建湘军,咸丰六年(1856年)起独率一军,先后攻占吉安、景德镇、安庆,统军作战的能力、围攻坚城的战术得到了充分锻炼。他围攻安庆时已存攻取天京之志,历经几次波折而无改变。攻取安庆后,曾国荃率军迅速沿江东下,连克大江两岸重要城隘,同治元年(1862年)五月进扎雨花台,开始进攻天京。由于多隆阿引军西入关中,曾国藩会攻天京的计划未能实现,曾国荃军因而变为孤军。太平天国为解天京之围,发动大规模的雨花台战役,但因种种原因而失败。曾国荃个人的得力指挥是湘军获胜的重要因素,他在此役中经受严峻考验,最终成功解围,过程虽极艰苦,却也奠定了合围并最终攻破天京的基础。二年(1863年)四月至次年正月,曾国荃指挥湘军陆续攻占天京城外围重要据点20余处,并增添兵力,完成了对天京城的合围。三年(1864年)二月起,湘军先后开挖地道30余处,均未收效。五月底,湘军攻占钟山脚下要塞地堡城,对天京展开近距离猛攻,同时继续挖掘地道。六月十六日,湘军用地道轰塌太平门附近城墙,攻入城内,太平天国覆灭。作为天京之役中湘军陆师的前线指挥,曾国荃孤军悬进天京城下,力主添兵合围,指挥得力,以身作则,对此役的进程和结局产生了重要影响。天京之役使曾氏兄弟和湘军集团的声望达到顶点,同时也是其军事力量由盛而衰的转折点。
[Abstract]:Zeng Guoquan was the younger brother of Zeng Guofan. In his early years, he was involved in the founding of the Xiang Army. In 1856, Xianfeng became the sole leader of the army, and successively captured Ji'an, Jingdezhen, Anqing, and the United Army. The tactics of besieging Jian Cheng were fully trained. He had the will to attack Tianjing during the siege of Anqing, and after several twists and turns, he did not change. After taking Anqing, Zeng Guoquan led the army down the east along the Yangtze River and quickly went down the river and passed through important cities on both sides of the river. The first year of Tongzhi (1862) came into Zayuhuatai on May and began to attack Tianjing. Because of the introduction of Doronga into the Western Customs, Zeng Guofan's plan to attack Tianjing failed to materialize, so Zeng Guoquan became an isolated army. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was to solve the siege of Tianjing. The large-scale Yuhuatai campaign was launched, but it was defeated for various reasons. Zeng Guoquan's strong command was an important factor in the victory of the Xiang Army. In this battle, he stood a severe test and finally succeeded in getting through the siege, although the process was extremely arduous. However, it also laid the foundation for closing siege and eventually breaking out of Tianjing. From April to January of the following year (1863), Zeng Guoquan commanded the Xiang troops to capture more than 20 important outposts outside the capital city one after another, and increased their troops. Three years (1864) since February, Hunan troops have excavated more than 30 tunnels without any effect. At the end of May, the Hunan army captured the fortress bunker under Zhong Shan's feet and launched a close attack on Tianjing. At the same time, it continued to excavate tunnels. On June 16th, the Hunan army used tunnels to bomb the walls near Taiping Gate, storming into the city and destroying the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. As the front-line commander of the Hunan Army's Land Division in the Battle of Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan's lone army was suspended under the Tiangjing City. It has an important influence on the process and outcome of this service. The service of Tianjing has brought the prestige of the brothers Zeng and Xiangjun to a climax, and it is also a turning point for its military strength to decline from prosperity to decline.
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