
发布时间:2018-03-10 04:10

  本文选题:毛泽东 切入点:和平解放 出处:《河南科技大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:毛泽东是我国伟大的无产阶级革命家、军事家、思想家,在新中国的建设与发展中做出了卓越贡献。毛泽东也是伟大的政治家,敏锐性比较高,在领导中国革命的过程中,他一直关注着国内民族统一这一大问题,其中,西藏作为国际上高度重视的地区,一直是他重点关心的问题。建国初期,毛泽东所领导的中国共产党和西藏地方政府之间的关系错综复杂、瞬息万变,但毛泽东以其杰出的政治才能,准确地分析西藏面临的严重形势,一切从西藏的实际出发,制定出一系列解决西藏问题的策略,为我们处理西藏问题提供了宝贵的理论基础和实践经验。认真研究毛泽东处理西藏问题的政策,能够帮助我们正确地制定与调整新时期的对西藏的政策,为当前面临的严峻问题提供一些历史借鉴。 全文以西藏民主改革为主线,以毛泽东处理西藏问题的策略为核心,采用史论结合、文献查阅和归纳演义的方法,对毛泽东与西藏的社会变革进行了分析和研究。通过研究可以看出,毛泽东解决西藏问题是曲折的,但毛泽东在深入分析国际国内形势的基础上,敏锐地把握西藏的发展方向,灵活地制定与调整针对西藏问题的策略,这对于我们目前处理民族问题具有重要的现实意义。 从对毛泽东与西藏的社会变革的研究中我们还可以看出,民主改革前,西藏一直维持着政教合一的封建农奴制度,生产力落后,人民生活没有尊严,宗教信仰束缚着广大农奴的思想,在诸多方面产生了很大的问题,两者之间的冲突是不可避免的。但是,以毛泽东为代表的党中央根据西藏所处的特殊性,具体问题具体分析,成功的实现了西藏的和平解放和民主改革,彻底摧毁黑暗、残酷、野蛮、落后的封建农奴制度,全面解放受尽摧残压迫的百万农奴和奴隶。 我们研究毛泽东与西藏的社会变革,主要是把握毛泽东对西藏的立场、观点与方法,汲取毛泽东解决民族问题的智慧,制定新时期的民族政策,对推动国家统一和民族团结向着良好的方向发展,具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Mao Zedong is a great proletarian revolutionist, strategist and thinker in our country. He has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of New China. Mao Zedong is also a great statesman with high acumen, and in the course of leading the Chinese revolution, He has been paying close attention to the major issue of national reunification in China. Among them, Tibet, as a region highly valued by the international community, has always been his key concern. At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, The relationship between the Communist Party of China and the local government of Tibet led by Mao Zedong is complicated and changing rapidly. However, with his outstanding political talent, Mao Zedong accurately analyzed the serious situation facing Tibet and proceeded from the reality of Tibet. We have worked out a series of strategies to solve the Tibet issue, which has provided us with valuable theoretical basis and practical experience in dealing with the Tibet issue. It can help us correctly formulate and adjust the policy toward Tibet in the new period, and provide some historical reference for the severe problems we are facing. The full text takes the democratic reform in Tibet as the main line, takes Mao Zedong's strategy of dealing with the Tibet issue as the core, adopts the method of combining historical theories, consulting and summing up the literature, This paper analyzes and studies the social changes between Mao Zedong and Tibet. From the study, we can see that the settlement of the Tibet issue by Mao Zedong is tortuous, but on the basis of in-depth analysis of the international and domestic situation, Mao Zedong has a keen grasp of the direction of Tibet's development. The flexible formulation and adjustment of the strategy for the Tibet issue is of great practical significance for us to deal with the ethnic problems at present. From the study of Mao Zedong and the social changes in Tibet, we can also see that before the democratic reform, Tibet had maintained a feudal serfdom of the unity of government and religion, backward productivity and lack of dignity in the people's life. Religious beliefs bind the thinking of the vast number of serfs, and great problems arise in many aspects, and the conflict between the two is inevitable. However, according to the particularity of Tibet, the Party Central Committee, represented by Mao Zedong, makes a concrete analysis of the specific problems. It successfully achieved the peaceful liberation and democratic reform of Tibet, completely destroyed the dark, cruel, barbaric and backward feudal serfdom, and completely liberated the millions of serfs and slaves who had been devastated and oppressed. In studying the social changes between Mao Zedong and Tibet, we mainly want to grasp Mao Zedong's position, views and methods on Tibet, draw on the wisdom of Mao Zedong in solving ethnic problems, and formulate national policies in the new period. It is of great practical significance to promote national unity and national unity in a good direction.


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