本文选题:民国时期 切入点:天山北坡东路 出处:《新疆大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:During the period of China, Xinjiang, like other parts of China, emerged from the autocratic dynasty, after the Beiyang government and the national revolution, the War of Resistance against Japan, and finally ushered in the birth of New China. Social changes will inevitably lead to demographic changes. Population migration is the most direct, concrete and obvious reflection of social change. The paper studies the situation of the emigration of the population out of the region, summarizes the motivation, type, direction and influence of the migration of the population in the region, and then from the perspective of the migration of the population, The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the preface, which defines the concept of population flow and the region of East Tianshan North Slope Road. The second part makes a clear distinction between the former population migration and the Qing Dynasty population migration, and gives a brief account of the population flow and migration in the region before the Republic of China. This paper mainly discusses the population flow in the east road on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain in the period of the Republic of China, which is divided into two sections. The first section is the comparison of the population flow and the analysis of the influencing factors among the counties and cities in the region, the characteristics and the regional development of the population flow in the counties and cities. The second section of the second section of other regions to the Tianshan North Slope East Road population migration, mainly domestic and Russian population to the region, the population migration of the causes, routes, characteristics of the analysis. 4th, respectively, from the population gender, Summary of occupation and ethnic structure, analysis and induction of the population structure of East Road on the North Slope of Tianshan Mountain during the Republic of China period. Part 5th mainly discusses population migration and regional culture, politics, land development, etc. The conclusion is a reflection and summary of regional population migration and social development during the period of the Republic of China, and affirms the influence and significance of population migration on social development. On this basis, it is suggested that through the study of population migration, we can better understand the law of social development and change.
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