本文选题:中国共产党 切入点:延安时期 出处:《延安大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:During the Yan'an period, the Communist Party of China led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to win victory in the War of Resistance against Japan and the War of Liberation, enabling the Chinese people to free themselves from bondage and oppression and to lead a happy and healthy life. Towards society, they have contributed their own strength to the realization of national liberation and their own liberation, and have really played the role of "half the sky." the "March 8" Festival is the anniversary of women's struggle for freedom and liberation, and during the Yan'an period, which has been in flames of war, In the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region, through the "8 March" International International Working Women's Day commemoration, women's liberation was propagated and women's consciousness was raised. From a historical point of view, this paper explores the specific circumstances of the commemoration of "8 March" International Working Women's Day during the Yan'an period, which originated from abroad and gradually spread to China. Then it took a long time to take root and establish a foothold on this piece of land in Yan'an. The "8 March" International Working Women's Day memorial during the Yan'an period took various forms, including issuing the slogan for the "8 March" festival, rewarding models, and setting up a model. To hold exhibitions on women's and children's lives, major production competitions, and various sports and recreational activities during the holidays, For example, the "March 8" party, the "March 8" Women's Games, the "8 March" evening show and so on. The "March 8" International Working Women's Day memorial in Yan'an period has its unique characteristics, which are mainly embodied in: authority, epoch, representativeness, universality, etc. Practicality. The commemoration of "8 March" International Working Women's Day during the Yan'an period played an important role in the development of women's work at that time and in the future: it stimulated the awareness of the vast number of women, especially rural women; the "8 March" memorial actively mobilized women to participate in production. The instructions and editorials issued by the March 8th Festival pointed out the direction of the women's movement, and the "8 March" International Working Women's Day memorial in Yan'an period had an exemplary effect on other base areas. At the same time, the effect of the commemoration of "8 March" International Working Women's Day in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region in Yan'an period is in sharp contrast with that in the state-controlled area. The successful experience of the commemoration of the "March 8" International Working Women's Day memorial in the Yan'an period enlightens us: the commemoration of "March 8" International Working Women's Day should be carried out under the leadership of the Party; We must also establish and improve grass-roots women's organizations and popularize the memory of "8 March" International Working Women's Day in rural areas; comrades of both sexes should emancipate their minds; The dominant role of women's liberation lies in the women themselves.
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