本文选题:李鸿章 切入点:越南问题 出处:《东北师范大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:本文以李鸿章对越南问题的认识与策略为中心,以越南问题的历史演变为线索,着眼于学界迄今未予以重视与认真研究的1881-1886年间有关中法越关系的若干史实细节,努力运用历史学实证法、政治学有关国际关系理论及决策学、法学有关国际法理论等跨学科方法,并积极挖掘与运用中、英、法、日等多国多语种资料,选取李鸿章与越南问题这一新的视角,通过其对越南问题的认识与策略及其外交实践,分析其在处理越南问题过程中的角色问题,进而对中越宗藩关系的终结问题提出新的解释,使该研究能对李鸿章及此一时期中越关系史乃至晚清外交史的研究有所裨益。 本研究的主要内容,加上前言和结论共有七个部分。 前言主要介绍了问题的提出、国内外研究现状、研究意义、创新与不足、基本文献及相关概念界定等问题。 第一章论述了越南问题的缘起与清政府的早期应对。中越宗藩关系因法国殖民势力介入越南事务受到冲击,随着法国越南政策的逐渐强硬,越南问题引起清政府的重视,并成为中法交涉的焦点问题。 第二章论述了李鸿章对越南问题的早期介入与认识。李鸿章从1881年底受清政府之命开始介入并主导越南问题,随即授命其掌控的轮船招商局借在越南运粮之便秘密探测越南现地实情及法国军情。依据从轮船招商局探测的信息,李鸿章对越南当局首鼠两端的行为有所认识,并对越南的军事实力及刘永福等方面有所了解,越南并不乐观的现状为李鸿章在越南问题上的消极应对埋下隐患。 第三章论述了李鸿章与越南政府联合解决越南问题的努力与失败。本章主要围绕1883年越南遣使事件展开论述。李鸿章在此次遣使事件中起到重要作用。首先,遣使前,通过与越南的秘密接触,李鸿章对越南欲借世界公论来摆脱其国家困境的诉求有所了解并给予一定程度的肯定;其次,因李宝谈判的需要,在李鸿章的变通下,遣使事件成为李鸿章与越南政府通过外交途径联合抗法的一次尝试;再次,外交努力失败后,李鸿章采取了“固防观变”的军事策略,越南遣使请求清朝军事援助的计划落空,越都顺化的沦陷使越南沦为法国的保护国,基本宣告了此次遣使的失败。这一事件揭示了中法战争前夕中越宗藩关系新的变化,从而表明中越宗藩关系的终结并不仅仅有赖于法国侵略势力的外来冲击,同时也有来自宗藩关系内部中心与周边亦即中越双方的内在需求与动因。而该事件的失败则宣告了中越宗藩关系事实上的终结。 第四章论述了李鸿章在中法战争前后与法国有关越南问题的交涉。1883年越南遣使事件失败后,越南沦为法国的保护国,中越关系为中法关系所取代。此后,李鸿章有关越南问题的处理主要体现在李鸿章与脱利古、福禄诺、巴德诺及戈可当等法国使节的外交交涉上。通过对李鸿章与法国使节有关越南问题的交涉的史实的重新检视,可以得出如下三点认识:一是李鸿章在越南问题上虽然主张中国放弃对越南的宗主权,但在同法国使节交涉与谈判的过程中,越南的宗主权问题无疑是谈判的重点与难点;二是李鸿章在处理越南问题过程中的角色与地位有变化;三是中越宗藩关系的终结具有长期性。 第五章论述了李鸿章处理越南问题过程中的影响因素。主要从朝鲜、驻外公使与清流等三个具有代表性的且学界关注较少的问题展开论述的。 结论主要有三点:一是依据前文总结李鸿章对越南问题的认识与策略选择;二是李鸿章在处理越南问题过程中的角色定位:决策者职权不足,执行者分量过重;三是对中越宗藩关系终结的双重解读,即从事实和法律两个方面进行解读。
[Abstract]:On the basis of Li Hongzhang ' s understanding and strategy of Vietnam ' s problems , this paper focuses on the historical evolution of Vietnam ' s problems , and tries to use historical evidence law , politics - related international relations theory and decision - making science , law - related international law theory and so on .
The main elements of the study , coupled with the introduction and conclusion , were seven parts .
The preface mainly introduces the problems , the research situation , the research significance , the innovation and the shortage , the basic literature and the definition of the relevant concepts .
Chapter One discusses the origin of Vietnam ' s problems and the early response of Qing government . The Vietnamese relations have been affected by the intervention of the French colonial power in Vietnam affairs . With the gradual hardening of the French Vietnamese policy , the issue of Vietnam has aroused the attention of the Qing government and has become the focus of the Sino - Vietnamese law .
In the second chapter , Li Hongzhang ' s early intervention and understanding of Vietnam ' s problems are discussed . Li Hongzhang , by the end of the year , began to intervene and dominate the Vietnam problem , and then gave orders for its control . According to the information detected by the Merchant Bureau of Vietnam , Li Hongzhang was aware of the behavior of Vietnamese authorities and Liu Yongfu , and the current situation of Vietnam was not optimistic . The negative response of Li Hongzhang to Vietnam was hidden trouble .
Chapter Three discusses the efforts and failures of the Li Hongzhang and the Vietnamese government to solve the problem of Vietnam . In this chapter , Li Hongzhang played an important role in the removal of Vietnam .
Chapter Four discusses the relationship between Li Hongzhang and France on Vietnamese issues before and after the Sino - French war . After the defeat of Vietnam , Vietnam has been replaced by Sino - French relations . After that , Li Hongzhang ' s handling of Vietnam ' s problems is undoubtedly the focus and difficulty of negotiations .
The fifth chapter discusses the influence factors of Li Hongzhang ' s handling of the problems of Vietnam . It is mainly discussed from three representative and paid attention from the North , the outside public and the Qing Dynasty .
Conclusion There are three main conclusions : Firstly , according to the former , Li Hongzhang ' s understanding and strategy choice of Vietnam question is summarized . The second is the role of Li Hongzhang in dealing with Vietnam ' s problem : the lack of authority of decision - maker and the excessive weight of the executive ; and thirdly , the double interpretation of the conclusion of the relation between the Chinese and the Vietnamese , that is , the interpretation of the two aspects of fact and law .
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