本文选题:抗日战争 + 侨批书信 ; 参考:《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》2014年12期
[Abstract]:Anti-Japanese war literature is the material carrier of the Chinese nation's anti-Japanese spirit and national spirit. The historical facts about the War of Resistance against Japan recorded by the overseas Chinese are extremely true and precious and are an important part of the literature on the War of Resistance against Japan.On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's War of Resistance against Japan and the Victory of the World people's Anti-Fascist War, this article selected some historical materials from the overseas Chinese criticism on the record of the War of Resistance against Japan to be displayed to the readers.In order to expose the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese aggressors in China and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, eulogize the patriotic feat of overseas Chinese going to the national disaster, and put forward that we should pay attention to the protection and development of the historical materials of overseas Chinese criticism at the present stage.
【作者单位】: 福建社会科学院;
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