发布时间:2018-04-15 03:10
本文选题:近代 + 苏州 ; 参考:《苏州科技学院》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:自1840年鸦片战争以来,鸦片毒品大量流入中国。地处江南沿海、经济发达、文化繁荣、交通便利的“天堂”苏州也较早地陷于黑色毒雾之中。近代以来苏州烟毒泛滥程度居于江苏前列,其特点主要体现为吸食者面广量大,毒品品种多,鸦片行销量大。而导致苏州毒品泛滥的最主要原因则是英日等国对华毒化政策和鸦片贸易,这在英国对华贸易“苏州体系”的形成,苏州设关以及1937年日军占领苏州后烟毒数量呈爆发性增长等方面得到了充分的展现。此外,发达的经济条件及临近上海的有利区位因素也为苏州烟毒的输入提供了便利。地方军阀及社会黑恶势力也对苏州烟毒泛滥起着推波助澜之效。 近代苏州烟毒的泛滥不仅严重危害人民身心健康,影响民众生活水平,败坏社会风气、影响社会稳定,同时大量资金流向烟毒贸易及消费也严重影响了苏州民族工商业的发展。 近代以来,苏州烟毒问题的治理特点及成效与中央政权的强弱有着直接的关系。据此,我们可以将近代以来苏州烟毒治理分为两个时期。自道光年间至民国初期,由于中央政府权力衰弱,地方官员(如林则徐、李秀成、谭继洵、谭序初、陈咥龙、程德全等)及民间禁烟组织(如中国苏州禁烟会和苏州商会等)在苏州禁烟中起着主导作用。南京国民政府统治时期,随着中央政权力量的加强,政府在苏州地方禁烟中起主导作用。这在这一时期苏州地方禁烟机构较为完备,禁烟法规较为健全,政府注重禁烟的舆论宣传,科学禁烟,完善善后措施,同时注重发挥民间禁烟力量等方面得到了充分体现。 近代以来,尽管苏州烟毒治理取得了一定成效,但近百年间苏州烟毒却是屡禁不止,其原因也是多方面的。其中,英日等国对华毒品贸易及其对中国禁政的阻挠和破坏不仅是苏州烟毒泛滥,同时也是苏州烟毒屡禁不绝的主要原因。而旧中国历届政府出于经济利益考虑始终无禁绝烟毒之决心,政府官员和执法者队伍的腐败以及苏州大量贫困人口的存在等也是近代苏州烟毒问题屡禁不绝的重要原因。 透过对近代以来苏州烟毒问题及其治理的反思,我们不难看出,烟毒问题的治理其实也是一个系统性社会工程。国家和民族的独立与否以及政权性质(是否代表广大人民利益)是能否彻底解决烟毒问题的重要前提。新中国成立初期,苏州烟毒的禁绝充分说明了这一点。而充分开展全民禁毒运动,加强禁毒立法及禁毒的国际间合作对于禁绝烟毒也起着重要的作用。本课题将近代苏州百余年间烟毒问题及治理作一系统、全面地考察,并总结其经验教训,对于我国当前的禁毒工作自有一定借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Since the Opium War of 1840, opium drugs have poured into China.Located on the south coast of the Yangtze River, Suzhou, with developed economy, prosperous culture and convenient transportation, was caught in the black mist earlier.In modern times, the prevalence of smoking and poisoning in Suzhou is in the forefront of Jiangsu Province, which is characterized by a wide range of users, a large variety of drugs and a large volume of opium sales.The main reasons for the spread of drugs in Suzhou are the poisoning policies of Britain and Japan to China and the opium trade, which was formed in the "Suzhou system" of British trade with China.The establishment of customs in Suzhou and the explosive increase in the number of tobacco poisons after the Japanese occupation of Suzhou in 1937 were fully demonstrated.In addition, the developed economic conditions and favorable location factors near Shanghai also facilitated the import of tobacco poison in Suzhou.Local warlords and social evil forces also contributed to the spread of smoke and drugs in Suzhou.The spread of smoking poison in modern Suzhou not only seriously endangers people's physical and mental health, affects people's living standard, destroys social atmosphere and affects social stability, but also affects the development of Suzhou's national industry and commerce.Since modern times, the management characteristics and effects of smoke-poison problem in Suzhou have a direct relationship with the power of the central government.According to this, we can divide Suzhou since modern times tobacco poison management into two periods.From the period of Dao Guang to the beginning of the Republic of China, local officials (such as Lin Zexu, Li Xiucheng, Tan JiXun, Tan Xunchu, Chen Yilong),Cheng Dequan and non-smoking organizations (such as Suzhou Association of China and Suzhou Chamber of Commerce) play a leading role in smoking ban in Suzhou.During the period of Nanjing National Government, with the strengthening of the central power, the government played a leading role in the local smoking ban in Suzhou.This has been fully reflected in the local smoke-free institutions in Suzhou during this period, the smoke-free laws and regulations are relatively sound, the government pays attention to the publicity of anti-smoking, the scientific prohibition of smoking, the improvement of aftercare measures, and the attention paid to the exertion of folk anti-smoking forces, and so on.In modern times, although the control of tobacco poisoning in Suzhou has made some achievements, it has been banned repeatedly in recent 100 years, and the reasons are also various.Among them, the obstruction and destruction of drug trade to China by Britain, Japan and other countries is not only the proliferation of smoke-poisoning in Suzhou, but also the main reason for the repeated prohibition of smoke-poisoning in Suzhou.For the sake of economic benefits, the previous governments of old China were determined not to stop smoking, the corruption of government officials and law enforcers and the existence of a large number of poor people in Suzhou were also the important reasons for the repeated prohibition of tobacco poisoning in modern Suzhou.Through the reflection on the tobacco poisoning problem and its management in Suzhou since modern times, it is not difficult to see that the management of tobacco poison problem is also a systematic social project.The independence of the state and the nation and the nature of the regime (whether it represents the interests of the people) is an important prerequisite for resolving the problem of tobacco poisoning.In the early days of the founding of New China, the prohibition of smoke-poisoning in Suzhou fully illustrated this point.It also plays an important role in banning smoking and drugs by carrying out the nationwide anti-drug campaign, strengthening the anti-drug legislation and international cooperation in drug control.In this paper, the problem and management of tobacco poisoning in modern Suzhou for more than a hundred years are systematically investigated, and its experience and lessons are summarized, which has certain reference significance for the current anti-drug work in our country.
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