发布时间:2018-04-16 00:04
本文选题:赵炳麟 + 政治作为 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:赵炳麟(1873—1927年),是清末民初的一个小京官,他出身于穷乡僻壤的广西,却具有开阔的政治视野和经世致用的史学理念,是晚清广西士人中卓然特立的一个。他在清末新政变革中反对进行预备立宪,理由是中西文化、历史条件与环境等客观因素限制,中国尚不具备立即进行立宪的条件,他主张以渐进的方式进行立宪,并提出自己的革新措施,与他意见相左的人大有人在,由于他的思想与当时的主流改革派相左,最后淡出了人们的视野。与赵炳麟经历相似、思想轨迹近同的人还有许多,因此,研究赵炳麟的政治思想,其实是剖析晚清变革时代士人思想变迁的最好个案。另外赵炳麟著作中,《光绪大事汇鉴》和《宣统大事鉴》最具有史料价值,笔者以他的著述为基本材料,对他的历史观、史学观作一个考察,对他的史学贡献做一评定,这其实也是当下透视晚清经世史学的很好视角。赵炳麟的政治与史学,是有密切联系的,政治是他史学经世目标的实践,而史学则是他政治教训的总结,这两者都是研究赵炳麟其人其书其思想的重要视域。 本文通过考察赵炳麟生平事迹、著作和交友情况,分析其交友圈思想之异同及对其思想之影响。在此基础上着重评析赵炳麟的政治作为,在其十年翰林生涯中,他支持维新变法,赞同实行君主立宪,其目的在于维护清朝统治;在其六年监察御史宦途中,他提出各种主张,反对实行立宪,其目的在于维持社会稳定;进入民国,他任职山西,着力兴办实业,其目的在于实业救国。同时论述赵炳麟的史学成就,重点是评析赵炳麟的历史观念和史学观念。赵炳麟一生中留下了几部史学著作,其中他对当代史的记载尤应得到重视。在这些著作中,他阐述了自己的史学思想,从社会发展观分析他的历史观念;分析史学观念则从其史书特点、史学认识、史学功能、史学政治性等方面着手来展现其思想的卓异见解。最后从他推崇经世致用思想的原因和他经世致用思想的特征两个方面对赵炳麟的政治和史学思想做一个总体的剖析。 由此综观赵炳麟一生中不同时期的思想变迁,本文做出结论:赵炳麟一生深受儒学大同与经世思想的影响,在时局动荡的大变革时期,他能接受一部分西方先进文化,治史与为官不拘于古法。且赵炳麟怀有忧国忧民之心,密切关注社会现实,积极入世,力图造福天下。但在其晚年身衰年迈之时既心念旧朝,又渴望归隐林泉。赵炳麟一生思想的变迁具有时代性,代表了那一纷乱时代一个传统儒生的心态。
[Abstract]:Zhao Binglun (1873-1927), a small Beijing official in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, was born in a secluded Guangxi province, but he had broad political horizons and practical historical ideas. He was one of the late Qing Dynasty Guangxi scholars named Zhuo Ran.He opposed the preparation of constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty New deal reform on the grounds that the Chinese and Western cultures, historical conditions and environment were restricted by objective factors, and that China still did not have the conditions for making a constitution immediately. He advocated that the constitutionalism should be carried out in a gradual manner.And put forward his own innovative measures, with his opinion there are a lot of people, because his ideas and the mainstream reformists at that time, finally faded out of people's eyes.Similar to Zhao Binglin's experience, there are still many people with similar thinking tracks. Therefore, studying Zhao Binglin's political thoughts is the best case study of the intellectual ideological changes in the late Qing Dynasty.In addition, among Zhao Binglin's works, Guang Xu and Xuantong are the most valuable historical materials. The author takes his writings as the basic material, makes an inspection of his historical and historical views, and evaluates his contribution to historiography.In fact, this is also a good perspective on the history of the late Qing Dynasty.Zhao Binglin's politics and historiography are closely related. Politics is the practice of his historiography's goal of running the world, and historiography is the summary of his political lessons, both of which are important horizons of studying Zhao Binglin's books and his thoughts.This paper analyzes the similarities and differences of Zhao Binglin's thoughts on making friends and their influence on his thoughts by investigating Zhao Binglin's life deeds, works and the situation of making friends.On this basis, Zhao Binglin's political work was emphatically evaluated. During his ten years of calligraphy, he supported the reform of the reform and the constitutional monarchy, the purpose of which was to safeguard the Qing dynasty's rule. During his six years of supervision of the imperial officialdom, he put forward various proposals.When he entered the Republic of China, he took office in Shanxi and set up industries, the purpose of which was to save the country.At the same time, it discusses Zhao Binglin's achievements in historiography, focusing on his historical and historical ideas.Zhao Binglin left several historical works in his life, among which he should pay more attention to the records of contemporary history.In these works, he elaborated his historical thoughts, analyzed his historical ideas from the view of social development, and analyzed the historical concepts from the characteristics of his historical books, his historical knowledge, and his historical functions.The political aspects of historiography set out to show their unique ideas.Finally, the author makes a general analysis of Zhao Binglin's political and historical thoughts from the two aspects of the reason of his advocating the practical thought and the characteristics of his thought.This paper draws a conclusion that Zhao Binglin was deeply influenced by Confucianism and Confucianism in his life, and that he could accept some advanced Western culture during the turbulent period of great change.Governing history and serving as an official is not limited to the ancient law.Zhao Binglin, with a worried mind, pays close attention to the social reality, actively enters the WTO and tries to benefit the world.But in his old age, when he was old, he longed to retire to Lin Quan.The change of Zhao Binglin's thought in his life is of the times and represents the mentality of a traditional Confucian student in that turbulent era.
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