
发布时间:2018-04-16 11:28

  本文选题:贵县 + 土地改革 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:中华人民共和国成立初期,随着地方各级政权的建立与巩固,中国共产党在新解放区开展了一场声势浩大的土地改革运动。这场运动彻底改变了农村经济力量的对比,也颠覆了农村旧有的政治格局,广大农民在经济上分到了土地,政治上翻身做了主人。土改使中共政权在农村站稳了脚跟,同时也激发了广大农民的生产积极性,解放了农村的生产力,为农业生产的发展和国家财政经济的根本好转创造了条件。 1949年12月4日,贵县解放。中共贵县县委、县政府随即着手土地改革的各种准备工作。围绕土改这一工作中心,首先展开了剿匪反霸的斗争,大体上消除了匪患,从而为土地改革的顺利展开提供了一个相对安定的社会环境。从1951年5月中旬开始至1951年9月,贵县又开展了历时4个多月的减租退押运动,为土地改革运动的展开打下坚实的基础。在进行了土改的典型试验,获得初步经验之后,从1951年10月下旬开始至1952年6月,贵县分三个批次在全县范围内铺开了土改。在土改中地主基本被打倒了,广大农民分到了田地,但是由于时间紧、任务重,在工作中不可避免的出现了急于求成的现象,导致工作粗糙,造成了不少遗留问题。为解决土改遗留问题,彻底完成土地改革,1952年1O月至1953年3月,贵县分两个批次进行了土改复查,在复查中进一步打击了地主阶级,纠正了错划漏划阶级的现象,整顿了农村基层组织,处理了果实分配不公等一系列问题,最大限度处理了土改中的各种遗留,巩固了土改工作的成果。 土地改革给贵县带来的影响是全方位的。在经济上,广大无地、少地的农民分到了土地,实现了“耕者有其田”的愿望;在政治上,旧有的农村政权组织被摧毁了,取而代之的是新型的农村政权组织机制。与此同时,农村的社会面貌在土改后也焕有了深刻的变化,旧的陋习被改造,社会新风得以树立。应当指出,土改虽然取得了巨大的成就,但是仍然存在着一些问题,这些问题所带来的教训是不容忽视的,也是值得我们去反思的。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, with the establishment and consolidation of local political power at all levels, the Communist Party of China launched a massive land reform movement in the new liberated areas.This movement completely changed the contrast of rural economic power, but also subverted the old political structure of rural areas, the vast number of farmers in the economic distribution of land, political turning to become the master.The land reform made the Chinese Communist regime establish a firm foothold in the rural areas, at the same time, it stimulated the production enthusiasm of the peasants, liberated the rural productive forces, and created the conditions for the development of agricultural production and the fundamental improvement of the state finance and economy.On December 4, 1949, your county was liberated.The Communist Party of China's county party committee and county government immediately set about various preparations for land reform.Around the work center of land reform, the struggle against bandits and tyrants was first launched, and the bandit problem was largely eliminated, thus providing a relatively stable social environment for the smooth launching of the land reform.From the middle of May 1951 to September 1951, the Rent reduction and Retreat Movement lasted more than 4 months in your county, which laid a solid foundation for the land reform movement.After the typical experiment of land reform was carried out and the preliminary experience was obtained, from late October 1951 to June 1952, three batches of land reform were carried out in your county.In the process of land reform, the landlords were basically overthrown, and the vast number of peasants were divided into fields, but because of the tight time and heavy tasks, the phenomenon of seeking results in haste inevitably appeared in the course of work, resulting in rough work and many remaining problems.In order to solve the problems left over by the land reform and complete the land reform thoroughly, from 1952 to March 1953, two batches of land reform were rechecked in your county. In the course of the reexamination, the landlord class was further dealt a blow and the phenomenon of missing classes was corrected.The rural grassroots organizations were rectified, a series of problems such as unfair distribution of fruits were dealt with, and various remnants of the land reform were dealt with to the maximum extent, and the achievements of the land reform work were consolidated.The impact of land reform on your county is all-around.Economically, the vast number of landless peasants have been allocated to land, thus realizing the desire of "the tiller has his field"; politically, the old rural regime organizations have been destroyed and replaced by a new type of rural regime organization mechanism.At the same time, the social outlook of the rural areas after the land reform has also undergone profound changes, old bad habits have been transformed, the new social style can be set up.It should be pointed out that although the land reform has made great achievements, there are still some problems. The lessons brought about by these problems can not be ignored and are worthy of our reflection.


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