
发布时间:2018-04-16 14:00

  本文选题:晚清 + 南通士子 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rise and development of the modern education in the late Qing Dynasty promoted the reform of the school system and the abolition of the imperial examination system in 1905.Zhang Jian's modern educational practice in Nantong in the late Qing Dynasty made Nantong a land of modern education, and Nantong became one of the most important areas for the introduction of teachers from Nantong.Nantong Shizi, represented by Li Chunming, went to Nanyang to pursue Chinese education under this background and opportunity.The article is divided into three parts: introduction, main body and summary.After analyzing the social and historical background of the Nantong scholars' survival before and after the abolition of the imperial examination system, the main part expounds three contents: first, the outlet of the Nantong Shizi after the abolition of the imperial examination system.Especially the influence of modern development brought by Zhang Jian's educational practice in Nantong provides a unique background and historical opportunity for the Nantong Shizi to go down to the South Ocean.Second, the rise and development of modern Indonesian Chinese education, Nantong Shizi or as a teacher, or the establishment of Chinese schools, in the modern Indonesian Chinese language education has played a positive role.Third, through the case study of the Jakarta Chinese Middle School, we can see that Shizi Nantong played an important role in promoting the establishment and development of the Jakarta Chinese Middle School, the training of students and the progressive education, especially Li Chunming's advanced idea of running a school.Progressive patriotic education and the cultivation of the spirit of Central China have contributed to the inheritance of Chinese culture.Nantong Scholars engaged in Chinese education in Nanyang, which is not only a unique humanistic environment, but also a special historical opportunity.Through their experience in overseas Chinese education, Nantong Shizi affirmed their role in the modern Chinese education in Indonesia, and provided reference for the inheritance of overseas Chinese culture in the future.


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