
发布时间:2018-04-23 10:06

  本文选题:战争动员 + 议题报道 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:抗战时期国民党报刊的战争动员议题,是一个重大而有待进一步研究的问题。桂林作为抗战西南大后方最重要的城市,在抗战时期不仅成为国民党统治区新闻出版事业发展的最蓬勃的城市,新桂系的政治态度以及一些开明的政策也使国民党的战时动员宣传在桂林收到了良好的效果。 《扫荡报》(桂林版)作为国民党军事委员会机关报,在抗战时期国民党的动员工作中正扮演了积极的角色。由此,本文选择《扫荡报》(桂林版)的战争动员议题为分析对象,通过对战争动员议题的报道与言论的研究,来呈现抗战时期国民党政府利用报刊进行战时动员的具体情况,以及分析说明国民党政府所利用的报刊宣传,多集中在精神动员这一议题上。本研究的时间范围以《扫荡报》迁至桂林后的1938年12月20日为起始点,1944年9月7日作为终止点,将抗日战争的相持阶段和争取胜利阶段作为切割时间段依据,把所有战争动员的议题分为两个阶段。内容界定则为凡是报道与言论内容涉及经济动员、政治动员、精神动员、军事动员、组织动员的主题,以国民党军队政府以及各界群众为报道主角,以新闻或言论为陈述方式均为内容界定范围,以普查方式取得文本,研究方法为内容分析法,对桂林版《扫荡报》的战争动员议题进行统计分析,并分析桂林版《扫荡报》的战争动员报道与评论中有关报道主轴、报道诉求重点、诉求方式以及言论的特点等问题。通过对抗战时期《扫荡报》(桂林版)战争动员议题报道与言论的研究,论证作为国民党政府重要的军方报纸,《扫荡报》(桂林版)在当时的桂林确实发挥和创造了一定的影响力,克尽其历史责任,对国家和民族作出了重要的贡献。 《扫荡报》(桂林版)为了团结军民、振作军人士气、强化民众对政府的信任,通过报道各种战争动员议题的新闻以及营造积极的抗日舆论环境,以担任政府军方与民众的沟通桥梁,充分发挥了战时媒体的功能,也为记录抗战史上最终取得胜利贡献了重要的一笔精神财富。
[Abstract]:The issue of the mobilization of Kuomintang newspapers and periodicals during the anti-Japanese War was a major issue to be further studied. Guilin, as the most important city in the southwest rear area of the Anti-Japanese War, not only became the most vigorous city in the KMT ruling area in the period of the Anti-Japanese War, The political attitude and some enlightened policies of Xinguizi also made good effect on the propaganda of the Kuomintang's wartime mobilization in Guilin. As an organ of the KMT military Committee, the Wrap (Guilin Edition) played an active role in the mobilization of the Kuomintang during the War of Resistance against Japan. As a result, this paper chooses the War Mobilization issue of the "sweeping newspaper" (Guilin Edition) as the analysis object, and through the study of the war mobilization issue, the paper presents the concrete situation of the Kuomintang government using the newspapers and periodicals to carry out the wartime mobilization during the Anti-Japanese War. And the analysis shows that the Kuomintang government mainly focuses on the issue of spiritual mobilization. The time range of this study is from December 20, 1938 to Guilin, and from September 7, 1944, as the ending point. The interlocking stage and the winning stage of the War of Resistance against Japan are taken as the basis of the cutting time period. All the topics of war mobilization are divided into two stages. The content is defined as the main theme of the reports and speeches concerning economic mobilization, political mobilization, spiritual mobilization, military mobilization, and organizational mobilization, with the Kuomintang army government and the masses from all walks of life as the protagonists. Taking news or speech as the way of statement as the content definition scope, obtaining the text by means of census, and using the research method as the content analysis method, to carry on the statistical analysis to the war mobilization topic of the Guilin edition of the "Wangle newspaper". This paper also analyzes the main axis of the report, the focus of the report, the way of the appeal and the characteristics of the speech in the War Mobilization report and commentary of Guilin edition. Through the study of the war mobilization topic reports and remarks of the War Mobilization newspaper (Guilin Edition) during the Anti-Japanese War, it is demonstrated that, as an important military newspaper of the Kuomintang government, the "sweeping News" (Guilin Edition) did indeed exert and create certain influence in Guilin at that time. To fulfill their historical responsibilities, they have made important contributions to the country and the nation. In order to unite the army and the people, to cheer up the morale of the military, to strengthen the people's trust in the government, to report the news on various war mobilization issues and to create an active environment for anti-Japanese public opinion, In order to act as a bridge between the military and the people, the government played the role of the wartime media and contributed an important spiritual wealth to the record of the ultimate victory in the history of the War of Resistance against Japan.


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