
发布时间:2018-04-29 12:31

  本文选题:南京国民政府时期 + 少数民族 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:本文在分析少数民族参加代议机构基本理论的基础上,对南京国民政府时期,少数民族代表参加国民会议、国民参政会、“制宪国大”、“行宪国大”等国家代议机构的相关历史背景、法律制度、选举活动、代表基本情况及其参会活动等内容进行研究与评析。 全文由绪论、六章正文以及结语、附录等部分组成。绪论部分主要对论文的研究对象、主要概念、论文结构、以及研究意义、研究方法进行介绍。 第一章少数民族参加国家代议机构基本理论,主要介绍代议制概念、发展历程及其在近现代中国的传播与实践,简单回顾南京国民政府以前少数民族参加国家代议机构情况,并分析了南京国民政府时期少数民族参加国家代议机构的社会历史背景。代议制作为实现间接民主的制度形式,已为大多数国家接受。代议机构是代议制的核心,由民意代表组成,代表人民行使立法权、监督政府运行。少数民族参加国家代议机构是少数民族政治权利的必然要求,也是代议民主制的应有之义,需要给予特别保障。自清末第一个带有代议性质的资政院开始,各个时期的国家代议机构都有少数民族代表参加。南京国民政府时期民族平等观念渐入人心,少数民族参政意识空前提高;国民党政府推行民族同化政策,帝国主义插手中国内部民族关系,民族分裂威胁国家安全,这些时代背景都对少数民族参加国家代议机构产生重要影响。 第二章少数民族代表参加国民会议。国民会议制定《训政时期约法》,奠定了南京国民政府训政时期基本政治体制。在国民会议代表选举中,蒙古、西藏作为特别行政区单独进行选举。选举过程中照顾少数民族特殊情况,变通执行选举法。民族地区争相派出代表参加国民会议,体现了中国对边疆民族地区拥有毫无争议的主权。但选区划分以地域为主,蒙藏之外的其他少数民族选举权利未得到应有的重视。 第三章少数民族代表参加国民参政会。1938年成立的国民参政会有“战时国会”之称。蒙古、西藏单独作为一类给予参政员的名额保障,在其他类别的参政员中也有少数民族人士当选。少数民族参政员提出了许多促进民族团结与边疆民族地区发展的议案,为维护抗日民族统一战线作出了贡献。 第四章少数民族代表参加“制宪国大”。1946年11月15日召开的国民代表大会,因只有议决宪法一项议程,史称“制宪国大”。“制宪国大”代表选举因抗日战争全面爆发而中断,先后历时10余年,其间国内民族关系发生了显着变化。少数民族代表中增加了西南土著民族代表,民族身份首次成为划分选举单位的因素之一,少数民族代表参加宪法草案审查,积极争取少数民族政治权利,提出要根据民族地区实际,发展经济保障民生,发展民族教育,保护边疆宗教。 第五章少数民族代表参加“行宪国大”。1948年3月至5月在南京召开的中华民国第一届国民代表大会第一次会议,主要议题是选举中华民国总统和副总统,施行宪法,史称“行宪国大”。“行宪国大”代表选举中,满、蒙、回、藏均单列为选举单位,给予代表名额保障,少数民族代表比例有所提高。相关法律制度也对少数民族参加国家代议机构做出特殊规定,相关法律内容不断丰富,为我国少数民族参加国家代议机构的制度建设做出积极尝试。但受制于动荡的社会局面和国民党政府的阶级局限性,不敢正面回应少数民族政治权利呼声,代表多为少数民族上层人士,缺乏代表性。 第六章南京国民政府时期少数民族参加国家代议机构评析。南京国民政府时期少数民族参加国家代议机构,维护了祖国统一,增进了民族团结,促进了边疆民族地区发展,对少数民族参加国家代议机构的方式进行了探索。但国民党政府不能积极回应少数民族政治权利呼声,少数民族代表缺乏广泛性。 附录部分除主要参考文献外,还节选了南京国民政府时期各项选举法制中与少数民族有关的条文,附于其后。
[Abstract]:On the basis of analyzing the basic theories of minority nationalities ' participation in the representative institutions , this paper studies and evaluates the relevant historical background , legal system , election activities , the basic situation and the activities of the representatives of the national representative bodies such as the National Conference , the National Political Council , the National Congress of the Constitution , the Great Britain and the Constitutional State , etc . in the period of the Nanjing National Government .

The whole text is composed of the introduction , the text of the six chapters , the conclusion , the appendix , etc . The introduction part mainly introduces the research object , the main concept , the paper structure , the research significance and the research method of the thesis .

The first chapter introduces the basic theory of national representative institutions , mainly introduces the concept of representative system , the course of development and its dissemination and practice in modern China . It also analyzes the social and historical background of minority participation in the national representative organ in Nanjing National Government .
The Kuomintang government promotes the national assimilation policy , the imperialist powers in China ' s internal ethnic relations , the ethnic division threatens the national security , these times background have important influence on the minority participation in the national representative organ .

In the second chapter , representatives of ethnic minorities participated in the National Conference . During the election of deputies to the National Conference , the basic political system of Nanjing National Government was established . During the election of deputies to the National Conference , Mongolia and Tibet were elected separately as Special Administrative Regions . During the election process , Mongolia and Tibet were elected separately as Special Administrative Regions .

In 1938 , representatives of ethnic minorities participated in the National Council of Political Affairs . In 1938 , the National Council of Political Affairs , which was established in 1938 , said that Mongolia and Tibet are also elected by ethnic minorities in other categories of members of political participation . Many members of ethnic minorities have proposed numerous bills to promote national unity and the development of border areas , and contribute to the maintenance of the anti - Japanese national united front .

The National Congress of the People ' s Republic of China , which was held on Nov . 15 , 1946 , is the national congress of the People ' s Republic of China on Nov . 15 , 1946 .

The first meeting of the first national congress of the Republic of China was held in Nanjing from March to May 1948 . The main topics were to elect the President and Vice - President of the Republic of China and to implement the Constitution , which is called the " big constitutional State " .

In chapter 6 , the minority nationalities in Nanjing National Government participated in the appraisal of the national representative bodies . The minority nationalities participated in the national representative institutions during the period of the Nanjing National Government , maintained the unity of the motherland , promoted the national unity , promoted the development of the border areas and participated in the national representative institutions . However , the Kuomintang government could not actively respond to the voice of the political rights of ethnic minorities , and the representatives of ethnic minorities lack extensive .

In addition to the main references , the appendix contains provisions relating to minorities in various electoral laws during the period of the National Government of Nanjing , annexed to the appendix .



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