本文选题:预备立宪 + 立宪缓行主张 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 剧烈而频繁的变动是晚清历史的一个显著特点,时人称为“数千年未有之大变局”。清末新政作为发生在那个时代的一场深刻社会变革,其涉及的领域非常广泛,影响也颇为深远,其间的预备立宪运动作为一次重要的政治体制改革更是成为了值得浓墨重彩去评述的一段历史。 在这一场亘古未有的以君主立宪为中心的宪政变革运动中,中国社会关于宪政的主张及宪政思想理论呈现出了多元化的态势。本文就此选取了清末新政中的一项变革举措——预备立宪运动作为分析的背景,阐述了清政府选择立宪作为政治体制改革主攻方向的原因并由此引出在整个预备立宪活动中最为活跃的群体——立宪派。在对立宪派的构成进行分析的基础上文章选取了立宪派中的一类主张——立宪缓行思想理论作为讨论对象,从主张立宪缓行者的构成、活动以及他们所持的基本宪政思想理论来分析中国宪政发展史上的一次宪政思想理论的激烈交锋。 长时间以来,人们对待预备立宪中反对派的基本观点就是他们都是文化上保守思想上陈旧的顽固分子。本文在分析了清末预备立宪的历史背景以及主张立宪缓行者的基本宪政理论和政治观点后,认为主张立宪缓行者的宪政思想所体现出的保守不等于落后,只是彼此看问题的立足点和思维进路不同,主张立宪缓行者不盲目仿行西方宪政制度,推行立足于本土条件下的“缓变”、“渐变”的理论在当时社会条件下也许更具有说服力和合理性。但历史没有选择主张立宪缓行者的构想,这其中理论与现实的矛盾冲突也是我们不能忽视的,他们要求的大权政治、熟稔政治操作的官僚集团以及对建立宪政所需的各种因素的培养,这一切在当时没有足够多时间去培养,既有的政治经济条件也不能够成为立宪缓行理论得以扎根的土壤,而清王朝的最终选择也走向了令他们担忧的一面。也许这次失败的变革会比以往成功的范例带给我们更多的反省和探讨,主张立宪缓行的宪政思想和理论也需要我们在建设宪政国家的过程中去重新审视和思考。
[Abstract]:Violent and frequent changes were a remarkable feature of the late Qing Dynasty, when people called them "great changes that have never occurred in thousands of years". The New deal of the late Qing Dynasty, as a profound social change that took place in that era, involved a wide range of fields and had a profound impact. The preparatory constitutional movement as an important political system reform has become a period of history worthy of comment. In this unprecedented constitutional reform movement centered on constitutional monarchy, Chinese society's views on constitutionalism and the theory of constitutional thought show a pluralistic trend. In this regard, this paper selects a reform measure in the New deal of the late Qing Dynasty, the preparatory constitutionalism movement, as the background of the analysis. This paper expounds the reasons why the Qing government chose constitutionalism as the main direction of the political system reform, and leads to the constitutionalism, which is the most active group in the whole preparatory constitutionalism. On the basis of analyzing the constitution of constitutionalism, this paper selects a kind of thought theory of constitutionalism as the object of discussion. Activities and their basic constitutional thought theory to analyze the history of Chinese constitutionalism in the history of a fierce confrontation of constitutional thought theory. For a long time, the basic view of the opposition in the run-up to the constitution was that they were culturally conservative and old-fashioned diehards. After analyzing the historical background of the preparatory constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty and the basic constitutional theory and political point of view, this paper holds that the constitutionalism thought embodied by the constitutionalism retarder is not equal to backwardness. It is just that the standpoint and the way of thinking are different from each other, and they advocate that the constitutional retarder should not blindly imitate the western constitutional system, and carry out the "slow change" based on the local conditions. The theory of gradual change may be more persuasive and reasonable under the social conditions at that time. However, history has not chosen to advocate the idea of a constitutional reprieve. The contradiction between theory and reality is also something we can't ignore. They demand great power politics. Bureaucratic groups familiar with political operations and the cultivation of the various factors necessary for the establishment of constitutionalism did not have enough time to cultivate them at the time, and the existing political and economic conditions could not be the soil in which the theory of constitutional delay could take root. And the Qing dynasty's final choice also went to make them worry side. Perhaps this failed reform will bring us more introspection and discussion than the past successful example, and the constitutional thought and theory of advocating the slow development of constitutionalism also need us to re-examine and ponder in the process of building a constitutional state.
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