本文选题:文祥 + 总理衙门 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a statesman and diplomat of the early Qing Dynasty, Wen Xiang took part in a series of important diplomatic activities from the second Opium War to his death in 1876. Participation in the second Opium War in Beijing negotiations and the establishment of Prime Minister Yamen had the greatest influence. Not only that, as the representative of the enlightened landlord class of this period, Wen Xiang was not stubborn and conservative, but advocated the initiative to learn from the West and play games with Prince Gong? Together, he became the representative of Westernization of the central government in late Qing Dynasty, planning and participating in the establishment of the Imperial School and the Shinto Camp. Wen Xiang's political career was relatively short, from the entry of military aircraft (1859) to the death of 1876. However, it was in this short period of more than a decade that Wen Xiang worked hard to maintain the "Sino-foreign peace bureau" in the face of declining national strength. He was the founder of Tongzhi ZTE and the pioneer of modern Chinese diplomacy. This paper is divided into four parts except conclusion. The introduction part mainly introduces the origin of the research, the current situation of academic research, the innovation of the paper, etc. The first part is an overview of Wen Xiang's family and the era in which he lived. For the purpose of introducing Wen Xiang's participation in a series of major activities concerning foreign affairs and the formation of diplomatic thoughts. Chapter two discusses the participation of Wen Xiang in the context of the times, including Geng Shen's participation in the Beijing Parliament and the establishment of Premier Yamen. Diplomatic activities such as the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, as well as the contents and causes of Wen Xiang's diplomatic thinking. Chapter III, the author gathered the contents of the first two chapters to evaluate Wen Xiang, an important figure in the late Qing Dynasty, from the perspective of internal affairs and diplomacy. In order to restore the pluralistic image of a diplomat in the late Qing Dynasty, the Westernization Movement carried out a detailed discussion in three aspects.
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