
发布时间:2018-05-06 05:37

  本文选题:辛亥革命前十年间 + 民变 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 在中国几千年封建社会以及半殖民地半封建社会中,民变是长期普遍存在的一种社会现象。1902年——1911年,是清朝走向灭亡的时期,是一个比较微妙的时间段。这段时期,中国的国情纷繁复杂,在外面临着穷凶极恶的列强入侵;在内清朝政府业已衰相必露,正在进行着垂死挣扎。帝国主义国家既要利用清廷来压迫中国百姓,实现他们对中国的掠夺,又要时刻压制着清朝政府,不让其壮大;清廷则既要对侵略者奴颜媚骨以换取片刻的喘息,又想利用此喘息之机得到一定的发展,同时还要四处镇压民众反抗以“巩固”统治。因此,帝国主义国家与清朝政府貌合神离,尔虞我诈,直接的炮灰便是广大中国百姓。中国百姓时为二者共同压榨的对象,时为二者互相攻歼的工具,但是无论处在何种状况,他们都无一例外地生活在水深火热之中。因而,中国百姓迫于生计,不得不掀起了一波又一波的反帝反封建民变高潮。这些民变是清朝政府对外勾结妥协,对内滥施苛政的结果,同时,它们又反过来加速了清廷的灭亡。通常,史学工作者专注于从资产阶级革命派的作为或清朝政府本身方面寻找清廷覆灭的原因,却忽略了处在社会底层的广大贫苦百姓才是清朝灭亡的最直接的目击者与推动者。因此,对清末民变的研究,有助于我们从社会底层这个角度,由下而上地加深对晚清政府社会思想体系、政治体系、经济体系、军事体系以及外交体系的困境的了解。基于这点,笔者拟采用历史学、社会学、心理学等方法,以辛亥革命前十年间作为时间段,将其间民变的点与面、个别与总体整合起来进行系统研究,旨在将历史还原于世人面前,并分析其成败得失,总结经验教训,为后人提供借鉴。 本文共分为五章。首先,在第一章中,笔者在罗列了历来史学工作者对民变概念的界定之余,也提出了自己的理解,认为民变是指包括农民阶级、无产者以及中下层民族资产阶级、学生群等在内的所有被统治被剥削的民众,为求生存而兴起的,以外国帝国主义的入侵和本国清朝政府以及地方当局的压迫等一系列不公正、不平等行为为讨伐对象的斗争,它具有自发性、分散性、斗争行为落后性、正义性四个特点。此外,笔者还对辛亥革命前十年间民变的研究资料和研究动态作了回顾和展望。 第二章是分析民变发生的背景原因。自18世纪下半叶开始,清王朝已经走上了衰败的道路,帝国主义国家的政治经济入侵、肆虐横行的天灾、以及清政府自身的政治经济弊端等接踵而至。无论是国际处境还是国内形势,均向着一个令人堪忧的方向发展着。这种内忧外患、天灾人祸的历史背景是造成辛亥革命前十年间民变频繁的主要原因。 第三章是分析辛亥革命前十年间民变的具体状况。以斗争内容为据,笔者认为可以将辛亥革命前十年间的民变分为4种:抗捐抗税斗争、饥民运动、反帝爱国运动、工人运动。这一章便是分门别类得将4种民变发生的具体状况、特点、政府的应对等进行分析。 第四章是民变个案的研究,主要以1910年莱阳抗捐抗税运动和1910年长沙抢米风潮为实例,从微观角度研究民变。通过具体事例,我们可以清楚了解辛亥革命前十年间百姓的凄惨生活以及官绅漠视民众的丑恶嘴脸,从而切实体会到“官逼民反”。 第五章是对辛亥革命前十年间民变的思考。作为近代中国社会主体的乡村和最大阶级的农民,其变动状况不能不影响和制约着近代中国政治格局的变迁。虽然,清朝是被资产阶级革命派推翻的,但如果没有民变运动的蓬勃发展,就没有资产阶级民主革命的高涨和革命时机的成熟,可以说,晚清政权是在农民暴动中走入近代,在民变峰起中走向灭亡的。这一章便是从民变的非理性以及民变对晚清思想统治体系的影响等方面着手来探讨民变对晚清时局的具体影响。 最后是结论,我们通过考察辛亥革命前十年间民变发生的原因、状况以及影响等可知,以民为本,是治国的基石。其实民众很单纯,他们的要求并不高,只求轻徭薄赋,能有一块安生立命之所便足以。因此,政府治理国家,应当首以广大群众的利益为先,时刻体察民情,尽可能的为百姓谋求安居乐业的良好环境。在实施改革等重大举措时必须要审时度势,正确认识百姓的承受能力以及给民众所带来的切实利益,制定恰当步骤,按部就班,才有可能取得预期的效果,否则便易变乱四起,酿成巨祸。除此以外,要杜绝民变,还要从根本上改变民众的生存状态。这不仅需要国家营造的大环境,还须得注重教育,提高全民素质。这样不仅有利于用科技提高生产力,也有利于加强政府与民众之间的交流,使民众易于接受政府所制定的政策措施,减少因误解和流言所带来的不必要的冲突,让社会得到长治久安。 读史是为了以古鉴今,对于历史教训的深刻反省和对于历史经验的正确总结,正是历史学的功能所在,广大民众如何更好得生活问题仍是我国亟需解决的问题,笔者希望能通过对辛亥革命前十年间民变的研究,来把握农民的基本心态与社会需求,为现今社会的发展提供绵薄之力。然而自己的想法和实际的研究能力和研究水平之间会有很大的差距。因此,本课题研究之中的不当之处,还请各位师长不吝指正。
[Abstract]:In China ' s feudal society and the semi - colonial and semi - feudal society , the civil change is a social phenomenon which is widespread in the long term . In 1902 _ 1911 , it was a period of Qing dynasty moving towards destruction . It was a delicate time period . In this period , China ' s national conditions were complicated and confronted with the fierce invasion in the outside world .
In the Qing Dynasty , the government has fallen apart , and is in the midst of a dying struggle . The imperialist countries must use the Qing imperial court to oppression the Chinese people , realize their plunder of China , and press the Qing government to keep them from growing ;
In the Qing Dynasty , the people of the Qing Dynasty , who were the most direct witnesses and promoters of the Qing Dynasty , had to use history , sociology , psychology and so on . Therefore , they had to use history , sociology and psychology as the most direct witnesses and promoters of the Qing Dynasty .

This paper is divided into five chapters . First , in the first chapter , the author has put forward his own understanding of the definition of the concept of the people ' s change in the history of history , and also put forward its own understanding . The author thinks that the people ' s transformation is a series of unjust and unfair behaviors , including the peasant class , the proletariat , the middle and lower national bourgeoisie , the student group and so on . It has four characteristics of spontaneity , dispersion , backwardness of struggle behavior , and justice . In addition , the author also reviews and prospects the research data and research developments of the civil change during the decade before the Revolution of 1911 .

The second chapter is to analyze the background of the people ' s change . Since the beginning of the second half of the 18th century , the Qing Dynasty has embarked on the path of decline , the political and economic invasion of the imperialist countries , the ravages of ramasochism , and the political and economic disadvantages of the Qing government itself . Whether the international situation or the domestic situation is in a worrying direction , the historical background of the natural disaster is the main reason for the frequent change of people during the decade before the Revolution of 1911 .

The third chapter is to analyze the specific situation of the people ' s change in the ten years before the Revolution of 1911 . According to the content of the struggle , the author thinks that it can be divided into four kinds : the struggle against the anti - tax , the people ' s movement , the anti - imperialist patriotic movement and the worker ' s movement .

The fourth chapter is the study of civil - change cases , mainly based on the anti - tax movement of Laiyang in 1910 and the historical trend of Changsha in 1910 as an example . Through concrete examples , we can clearly understand the miserable life of the people in the ten years before the Revolution of 1911 and the ugly face of the people in disregard of the people , so as to realize the " official rebellion " effectively .

The fifth chapter is the reflection of the people ' s change in the ten years before the Revolution of 1911 . As the peasants of the rural and the largest class in modern Chinese society , their changing conditions cannot affect and restrict the changes of the modern Chinese political pattern . Although the Qing Dynasty is overruled by the bourgeois revolutionaries , it can be said that the late Qing regime moves into the modern era in the peasant uprising . It can be said that the later Qing regime is going to perish in the peasant uprising . This chapter discusses the specific influence of the people ' s change on the late Qing Dynasty from the irrationality of the people ' s change and the influence of the people ' s change on the system of the ideological ruling in the late Qing Dynasty .

At last , it is concluded that by investigating the causes , the situation and the influence of the people ' s change during the decade before the Revolution of 1911 , it is clear that the people are the cornerstone of the governance . In addition , it is only necessary for the people to be able to achieve the desired effect . In other words , it is necessary to focus on education and improve the quality of the people . This will not only help to improve the productivity of the people , but also to strengthen the communication between the government and the public . This will not only help to accept the policy measures developed by the government , reduce unnecessary conflicts caused by misunderstanding and gossip , and make society long - term .

It is the function of history to grasp the basic mentality and social demand of the peasants and provide a great gap for the development of the present society .



相关博士学位论文 前1条

1 樊翠花;清末民初江苏乡村民变问题研究(1901-1921)[D];苏州大学;2013年

相关硕士学位论文 前3条

1 宋兰;从报纸文本探析辛亥革命时期《申报》新闻报道策略[D];湖南大学;2012年

2 王冠;1911年汉口租界风潮研究[D];华中师范大学;2013年

3 靳凯;晚清内蒙古东部地区的民变(1891-1911)[D];内蒙古师范大学;2013年




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