
发布时间:2018-05-08 20:31

  本文选题:抗战时期 + 中间势力 ; 参考:《西南大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:今年是抗战胜利66周年。66年来,中华民族反抗日本帝国主义侵略斗争的场面仍历历在目。在这场全民性的抗战中,不仅有代表大地主大资产阶级利益的国民党和代表广大无产阶级利益的共产党,而且还有包括广大民主党派、地方势力派、爱国工商业者以及爱国民主人士等在内的中问势力。长期以来,学界在研究抗战相关问题时,往往把目光集中在国共双方上面,对于在抗战期问发挥重要作用的中间势力所做出的重要历史贡献,研究的却少之又少。 本文紧紧围绕抗战期间中间势力及其历史贡献问题展开全面而系列的分析,力求全面地揭示中间势力以及其在抗战时期所做出的杰出贡献。文章由三大部分组成。 第一部分,是文章的基础部分,阐述本论题的几个基本问题。主要包括:抗战时期中间势力的基本内涵、构成、形成发展的条件及其主要特点。中间势力是指大革命失败之后,为了自身的经济利益与政治诉求而游离于国民党和共产党之外的,以民族资产阶级及其联系的知识分子、上层小资产阶级为主体,幻想走中间路线即第三条道路的这样一部分人。具体来讲中间势力主要包括主要民主党派、部分地方实力派、部分爱国工商业者以及一些爱国民主人士。中间势力形成发展有一个过程,同时也有着深刻的原因:首先,中国社会广大中间阶级和阶层的存在是其形成发展的阶级基础;其次,近代中国反帝反封、实现国家繁荣富强的历史任务是其形成发展的历史背景;最后,革命形势的变幻,民族危机的加重是其形成发展的重要历史条件。由于阶级构成的特殊性,中间势力从一开始就有着一些与众不同的特点,归纳起来主要包括:来源广泛,成分复杂;思想迥异,目标不一;立场不定,极易分化。 第二部分,是文章的核心部分,主要从政治、经济、文化、军事四个方面详细介绍了中间势力在抗战时期所做出的历史贡献。在政治上,中间势力是抗日民族统一战线与国共合作的助推者与捍卫者。在经济上,积极开展募捐活动;抢运战区物资,努力开发后方经济;主动抵制日货,与日经济绝交。在文化上,通过创办抗战刊物、发行抗战图书、开展文艺宣传,积极宣传抗战,不断启迪民智,鼓舞民众抗日士气。在军事上,身体力行,驰骋抗战疆场,积极组织群众、训练抗日骨干 第三部分,叙述中间势力在抗战时期做出如此巨大贡献的原因。在抗战时期,中间势力为抗战取得胜利可以说是尽心尽力,做出了巨大的贡献。总结起来,是因为特殊的时代环境为其提供了广阔的政治舞台;二是因为中国共产党的正确领导和抗日民族统一战线的感召;三是强烈的爱国主义热情激发了其积极的作为;四是因为其自身特殊的身份、广泛的来源为其做出巨大贡献提供了得天独厚的条件。
[Abstract]:This year marks the 66th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance against Japan. In this all-people war of resistance, there is not only the Kuomintang, which represents the interests of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie, and the Communist Party, which represents the interests of the proletariat, but also the broad masses of democratic parties and local forces. Patriotic industrial and commercial people and patriotic Democrats and other forces in the Chinese question. For a long time, scholars have always focused on both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party when studying the issues related to the War of Resistance against Japan, but very little has been done on the important historical contributions made by the middle forces who played an important role in the period of the War of Resistance against Japan. This paper focuses on the issue of the intermediate forces and their historical contributions during the War of Resistance against Japan and tries to reveal their outstanding contributions in the period of the War of Resistance against Japan. The article consists of three parts. The first part is the basic part of the article, expounding several basic problems of this thesis. It mainly includes: the basic connotation, constitution, conditions of development and main characteristics of the intermediate forces during the anti-Japanese war. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the intermediate forces are those which, for the sake of their own economic interests and political demands, have drifted away from the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, with the national bourgeoisie and its associated intellectuals, the upper petty bourgeoisie as the main body, Such a part of the people who fantasize about the middle route, the third way. Specifically, the middle forces mainly include major democratic parties, some local forces, some patriotic industrialists and some patriotic Democrats. There is a process for the formation and development of the intermediate forces, and there are also profound reasons: first, the existence of the broad middle classes and strata in Chinese society is the class basis for its formation and development; and secondly, the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal forces in modern China, The historical task of national prosperity and strength is the historical background of its formation and development; finally, the changes of the revolutionary situation and the aggravation of the national crisis are the important historical conditions for its formation and development. Because of the particularity of class composition, the middle forces have some distinctive characteristics from the beginning, which mainly include: wide source, complicated composition, different ideas and different goals; indefinite stand and easy differentiation. The second part is the core part of the article, mainly from the political, economic, cultural and military aspects of the political, economic, cultural and military aspects of the historical contributions made by the middle forces in the War of Resistance. Politically, the middle forces are the promoters and defenders of the anti-Japanese national United front and the Kuomintang-Communist Party cooperation. Economically, we should actively carry out fund-raising activities, seize and transport war zone materials, strive to develop the rear economy, and take the initiative to resist Japanese goods and break up relations with the Japanese economy. Culturally, through the establishment of anti-Japanese war publications, the publication of books, the development of literature and art propaganda, active propaganda of the war of resistance, incessantly enlightening the people, and encouraging the people's morale against Japan. In military affairs, we should do our best to ride the field of the War of Resistance against Japan, actively organize the masses and train the backbone of the War of Resistance against Japan. The third part, narrates the reason why the middle forces made such great contribution during the anti-Japanese war. During the War of Resistance against Japan, the middle forces made great contributions to the victory of the war. To sum up, it is because the special time environment provides it with a broad political stage; second, because of the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China and the inspiration of the anti-Japanese national United front; Fourth, because of its own special identity, a wide range of sources for its tremendous contribution to provide unique conditions.


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