本文选题:“三三制”政权 + 抗日根据地 ; 参考:《新疆师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 抗战时期,中国共产党领导人民在敌后建立了“三三制”抗日民主政权。“三三制”政权是中国共产党在抗日战争时期至解放战争初期在政权建设上采取的一种政权模式,是中国共产党在抗日根据地建立的民主政权。它是随着抗战的不断深入,为了全面贯彻党的抗日民族统一战线政策,发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势力,进一步巩固敌后抗日根据地的民主政权而建立起来的。中国共产党在建设“三三制”政权中积累起来的宝贵的局部执政经验,以及中国共产党在“三三制”政权的领导中表现出的强大领导力,为以后中国共产党执政全国奠定了坚实基础。同时,“三三制”抗日民主政权的实践经验也为现在党的执政提供了很宝贵的启示。 全文分了三个大的章节。第一章主要介绍了“三三制”政权建立的历史条件,论述了“三三制”政权的提出和建立不仅是当时中日民族矛盾的刺激所致,也是中国共产党抗日民族统一战线政策的需要,以及巩固和发展抗日根据地的需要。此外,还对“三三制”政权的提出和建立,及其特征做了论述,为下文对“三三制”政权的具体实践的论述做了铺垫。第二章有四个部分,即根据地的政治建设,经济建设,文化建设,以及党对“三三制”政权实施领导的特点,具体的论述了抗战时期党执政下的“三三制”政权各个方面的建设实践。此章为全文的重点部分。第三章是全文的最后一部分,总结了“三三制”政权的历史意义以及党在“三三制”政权下的建设经验对现阶段党执政的有益启示。 基于上述内容可得出:中国共产党在“三三制”政权下执政的实践经验和理念大大加强了中国共产党自身的思想建设与作风建设,提高了政权中工作的党员的综合素质,提高了党员与党外人士在政权中的合作共事能力,从而使“三三制”政权获得了很大的成功。同时也提高了中国共产党自己的执政能力,使得“三三制”政权实践具有了十分重要的历史意义。此外,中国共产党在建设“三三制”政权中积累的丰富的局部执政经验和理念,特别是关于民主执政的执政经验,对于当前中国共产党大力加强的执政能力建设有着十分重要的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:During the Anti-Japanese War, the Communist Party of China led the people to establish the "three-three system" anti-Japanese democratic regime behind the enemy lines. The "three three systems" regime is a political model adopted by the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War to the early stage of the War of Liberation. It is also a democratic regime established by the Communist Party of China in the anti-Japanese base areas. With the deepening of the War of Resistance against Japan, it was established in order to fully implement the Party's policy on the anti-Japanese national United front, to develop progressive forces, to win over the middle forces, to isolate the diehard forces, and to further consolidate the democratic regime in the anti-Japanese base areas behind the enemy lines. The valuable local ruling experience accumulated by the Communist Party of China in the construction of the "three or three systems" regime and the strong leadership shown by the Communist Party of China in the leadership of the "three or three systems" regime, It has laid a solid foundation for the Communist Party of China to govern the whole country. At the same time, the practical experience of the three-three-system anti-Japanese democratic regime also provides a very valuable inspiration for the ruling of the Party. The full text is divided into three big chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the historical conditions of the establishment of the "three and three systems" regime, and expounds that the "three systems" regime was not only stimulated by the ethnic contradictions between China and Japan at that time, but also the need of the anti-Japanese national United front policy of the Communist Party of China. And the need to consolidate and develop anti-Japanese base areas. In addition, the paper also discusses the proposition and establishment of the regime of "three or three systems" and its characteristics, which paves the way for the discussion of the concrete practice of the regime of "three or three systems" below. The second chapter consists of four parts, namely, the political construction, economic construction, cultural construction of the base areas, and the characteristics of the Party's leadership over the "three or three systems" regime. The paper discusses the construction practice of the three-three-system regime in the anti-Japanese war period. This chapter is the main part of the full text. The third chapter is the last part of the paper, which summarizes the historical significance of the "three three system" regime and the beneficial enlightenment of the construction experience of the party under the "three three system" regime. Based on the above contents, it can be concluded that the practical experience and idea of the Communist Party of China ruling under the "three three system" regime has greatly strengthened the ideological construction and work style construction of the Communist Party of China itself, and has improved the comprehensive quality of the party members working in the regime. It improves the ability of cooperation and cooperation between party members and non-party personages in political power, thus making the "three-three systems" regime great success. At the same time, it also improves the ruling ability of the Communist Party of China itself, and makes the practice of "three-three system" political power have very important historical significance. In addition, the Communist Party of China has accumulated rich local governing experience and ideas in the construction of the "three or three systems" regime, especially the ruling experience on democratic governance. It has very important reference significance for the construction of the ruling ability of the Communist Party of China.
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