发布时间:2018-05-15 08:32
本文选题:抗日战争 + 知识青年 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:抗战末期,由国民政府发起,大多数具有爱国精神和民族意识的知识青年广泛参与的十万知识青年从军运动,在当时产生了重要的社会影响。这次运动的从军青年以大、中学在校学生为主还包括部分公、教人员,尤其是女知识青年的参军入伍,更开创我国兵役史上的先例。知识青年是社会的精英、国家的栋梁、民族的中坚,在当时也是一个免役或缓役的群体,他们的投笔从戎行为,为国民作了表率,转变了当时社会重文轻武的社会习俗,从一定意义上,实现了全民抗战的局面。抗战胜利后,青年军即宣告复员,虽然青年军失去了抗日远征,效命疆场的机会,但其在当时所产生的巨大作用和影响是不容忽视的。 本文除了绪论和结语外,主要有三个部分: 第一部分,首先用国际和国内两个背景的鲜明对比来阐述当时中国所处的紧张局势,为国民政府发起从军运动作铺垫;其次论述从军运动的发起和相关文件的制定,来阐述以蒋介石为首的国民政府在发起从军运动方面所做的相关工作;再次通过知识青年对待从军运动前后的不同反应,来分析知识青年从军的心理。 第二部分,,较为详细的论述了青年军的组建、编练与复员。首先阐述青年军军事、政工干部中团级以上干部的来源和一些相关训练内容;其次论述青年军士兵的征集标准、征集人数,青年军的编制情况、驻地的战略地位分析、编练内容、编练效果以及抗战胜利后青年军要求复员、国民政府对青年军复员工作的具体安排、复员青年军的大致去向等。 第三部分,主要从提高军队素质、增强反攻力量,激发前方士气、鼓励后方民气、转变社会风气,有助于缓解国外舆论批评、改变国际视听来论述其积极意义;从政府当局违背大多数从军青年入伍的初衷强迫入党入团,以及少数从军青年素质较差、影响青年军的整体形象来论述其消极影响,力求真实体现和客观评价此次知识青年从军运动。
[Abstract]:At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, initiated by the National Government and widely participated by most intellectual youth with patriotic spirit and national consciousness, 100,000 intellectual youth joined the military movement, which had an important social influence at that time. The army youth of this movement are big, middle school students mainly also include some public, teaching personnel, especially female intellectual youth enlisted in the army, which has set a precedent in the military service history of our country. The educated youth were the elite of society, the pillars of the country and the backbone of the nation. At that time, they were also a group exempted from servitude or delayed servitude. Their devotion to the military was an example to the people and changed the social custom of society at that time, which put more emphasis on literature than on military force. In a certain sense, the situation of the whole people's resistance was realized. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, the youth army immediately declared its demobilization. Although the youth army lost the opportunity of the anti-Japanese expedition and served the field, its enormous role and influence at that time could not be ignored. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper has three main parts: In the first part, first of all, the sharp contrast between the international and domestic backgrounds is used to explain the tense situation that China was in at that time, so as to pave the way for the national government to launch the movement of joining the army; secondly, to discuss the initiation of the movement of joining the military and the formulation of relevant documents. In order to explain the relevant work of the national government headed by Jiang Jieshi in launching the movement of joining the army, the psychology of the educated youth is analyzed through the different reactions of the educated youth to the movement before and after the movement. The second part discusses the formation, training and demobilization of the youth army in detail. First of all, it expounds the sources and some related training contents of the cadres at and above the regiment level among the military and political cadres of the youth army, and then discusses the recruitment criteria, the number of recruits, the establishment of the youth army, and the strategic status of the site. The contents, the effect of the exercises, the demands of the youth army for demobilization after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the concrete arrangements of the National Government for the demobilization of the youth army, the general direction of the demobilization of the youth army, etc. The third part, mainly from improving the quality of the army, strengthening the counter-offensive forces, stimulating the morale of the front, encouraging the people in the rear, changing the social atmosphere, contributing to ease the criticism of foreign public opinion, changing the international audiovisual to discuss its positive significance; The negative effects are discussed from the point of view of the fact that the government authorities forced to join the Party and the regiment against the original intention of the majority of young people joining the army, and the poor quality of a few young people who joined the military, which affected the overall image of the youth army. Strive to truly reflect and objective evaluation of the intellectual youth to join the military movement.
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