
发布时间:2018-05-16 09:54

  本文选题:合法性争夺 + 民国时期 ; 参考:《南京大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:从五四运动到1939年“五四”青年节诞生,走过了20年漫漫长路。但是青年节的确定并不意味着尘埃落定。5年之后,青年节的日期发生变更,被国民政府从“五四”改到了“三·二九”——黄花岗起义纪念日。无独有偶,叛国投敌的汪伪政府也设立了“五五”青年节——孙中山就任非常大总统纪念日。在华夏大地上,青年节出现了三足鼎立的局面。抗战结束后,出现了“五四”与“三·二九”对峙与争夺的局面。在学术界已有研究的基础上,笔者计划对于民国时期的青年节做一个全面系统的研究,试图解释青年节日期变更与争夺的深层原因。 第一章介绍了“五四”青年节的建构过程。即“五四”是如何从众多的日期中脱颖而出,成为青年节最合情合理的纪念日。全章将分为两部分,第一部分重点介绍五四运动中青年的表现,包括参加活动的人数,所起到的重要作用以及当时政治领袖、名流学者对于青年在此次运动中的评价。第二部分则重点介绍了后“五四”时代的纪念以及青年节这一政治符号的建构过程。 第二章介绍了“五四”青年节确立的过程。从1939年开始,国共两党不约而同地将5月4日定为了青年节。这不仅标志着青年节的诞生,同时预示着对峙与争夺的开始。由于青年节制定时正值抗日战争的关键时期,因此早期青年节纪念主旨主要是宣传抗日御侮,鼓励青年积极参军,铲除汉奸等等。后期的青年节纪念主旨则转变为国民党通过宣传“一个政党,一个领袖,一个主义”,从而达到控制青年的目的。但随着国民政府对五四运动批评的加深,青年节的变更已经不可避免。 第三章详细介绍了青年节的变更及由此产生的争议。1943年,青年节由原先的5月4日变更为3月29日,也就是黄花岗起义纪念日,由此产生了极大地争论。而与此同时,汪伪政权也建立了自己的青年节,即“五五”青年节。这样就出现了3个青年节并存的局面。国民党改立“三·二九”青年节后,对此非常重视。并举办了隆重的首届“三·二九”青年节纪念会。 第四章则侧重于介绍“五四”与“三·二九”,这两个被不同政治团体所纪念的青年节之间的对峙,并对这一政治符号的争夺。本章从1946年发生在广州的“五四”事件入手,进而详细介绍国统区的“三·二九”纪念以及解放区的“五四”纪念,通过对比,介绍了不同政治团体对于青年节政治记忆的塑造,进而争夺合法性的全过程,特别是1948年,这个焦点年份将给予特别关注 本文综合运用了历史学、人类学与政治学的相关理论分析青年节建构与争夺的历史过程。从青年节纪念的主体来看,以青年学生为代表的全国民众在纪念五四运动时,是作为一个政治群体出现在历史舞台的,因此他们也就构成了一个共同的心理群体,这个群体对于“五四”的认同感是无法替代的。正因为如此,5月4日成为青年节的节日显得实至名归。对于中国共产党而言,其创始人及早期重要成员都是这场运动的领导者和参与者,因此“五四”必然是属于他们这一代人的政治记忆。所以从“五四”诞生之日起,中国共产党就对其极为重视,终于在20年之后,设定为青年节。但对于国民党而言,他们之所以选择“三·二九”青年节,是因为“三·二九”所代表的是黄花岗起义的政治记忆,而这段记忆是属于国民党所独有的。即使是汪精卫所选择的“五五”青年节,也是国民党所拥有政治记忆的纪念日。之所以围绕着青年节的日期,会产生激烈的对峙与争夺,其根本原因正是各政治集团通过建构符合自身政治记忆的青年节,进而争夺政权上的合法性、正统性,而这也是青年节日期变更的原因所在。
[Abstract]:From May 4th Movement to 1939 , the Youth Day was born and passed over the past 20 years . However , the determination of the Youth Day did not mean that the dust had fallen . Five years later , the date of the Youth Day changed , and the National Government changed from the May 4th to the Memorial Day of Huang Hua Gang . On the basis of the existing research in the academic circle , the author planned to make a comprehensive system study on the Youth Day in the Republic of China , and try to explain the deep reason of the change and the competition for the young festival .

The first chapter introduces the construction process of the Youth Section of the May 4th Movement , which is the most reasonable and reasonable anniversary of the Youth Day . The whole chapter will be divided into two parts . The first part focuses on the performance of the young people in the May 4th Movement , including the number of people participating in the activities , the important role played by the celebrities and the evaluation of the youth in the campaign . The second part focuses on the commemoration of the May 4th Movement and the construction process of the political symbol of the Youth Section .

The second chapter introduces the process of the establishment of the Youth Section of the May 4th Movement . Since 1939 , the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China have set up the Youth Day on May 4 . This not only marks the birth of the Youth Day , but also indicates the beginning of the confrontation and contest .

In 1943 , the Youth Day was changed from May 4 to March 29 , which is the anniversary of Huang Hua Gang , which has aroused great debate . At the same time , Wang puppet regime established its own youth festival , the " May 5 " youth festival .

The fourth chapter focuses on the introduction of the " May 4th " and " Three 路 29 " , the confrontation between the young sections marked by different political groups , and the contest for this political symbol . This chapter starts with the " May 4th " event in Guangzhou in 1946 , and further details the whole process of the political memory of youth , and the whole process of legality , especially 1948 , which will give special attention to the year of focus .

This paper applies the relevant theories of history , anthropology and politics to analyze the historical process of youth festival construction and competition . As a political group , as a political group , as a political group of the Communist Party of China , the Communist Party of China is the leader and participant of the movement .



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