
发布时间:2016-11-25 13:28




抗战时期的难民不足,是中国近现代社会史研究的重要课题。近年来,有关这一研究课题的论文、专著陆续发表,取得了一系列成果。但关于抗战时期重庆难民救济不足目前尚缺乏专题研究。本文拟利用现查有关档案文献资料,着重对抗战时期重庆难民的概况、救济机构、救济政策、救济措施及实施效果等不足进行较为系统而深入地浅析浅析论述。抗战时期的重庆难民产生于抗战全面爆发时,随着战争进程的推进而逐渐增加。针对这一新情况,国民政府和重庆市政府调整了原来的社会救济机构,并增设了许多专门机构,以开展重庆难民的救济工作。与此同时,国民政府和重庆市政府还制定和实施了相关的救济政策和救济措施,以指导重庆难民的救济工作,取得了一定的成效。全文共分四部分,约6 万字。第一部分简要概述了抗战时期重庆难民的基本情况,包括重庆难民的产生、人数、来源、构成、理由及其影响;第二部分主要介绍了抗战时期重庆难民的救济机构及救济政策;第三部分着重阐述了抗战时期国民政府和重庆市政府、社会各界针对重庆难民所采取的各项救济措施;第四部分重点对抗战时期重庆难民的救济效果进行了较为系统而深入的评价。通过以上四个部分的评述,本文既充分肯定了抗战时期国民政府和重庆市政府、社会各界实施重庆难民救济政策和救济措施所取得“稳定后方,支援前线”的积极效果,又指出了因受战时各种因素的制约,重庆难民的救济存在诸多不足。通过以上论述,本文力求在三个方面有所突破:一是首次对抗战时期重庆难民的救济不足进行专题研究,取得一定的学术理论价值;二是第一次整理和使

【Abstract】 The problem of refugee during the anti-Japanese war is an important topic in the research of Chinese modern social history. Monographs on the issue have appeared, yet the research of refugee relief in Chongqing of that period is inadequate. With the relevant archives and documents, the thesis makes a systematic and thorough analysis on the refugee relief of Chongqing during the anti-Japanese war. The refugees of Chongqing emerged at the beginning of the break-out of the anti-Japanese war and increased with the course of war. Accordingly, National Government and Chongqing municipal government adjusted original social relief organizations and set up a number of special organizations to launch the relief work. In addition, relevant relief policies and measures were formulated and carried out by National Government and Chongqing municipal government to guide the work of refugee relief in Chongqing, which produced effect. The thesis consists of four parts with about 60,000 Chinese characters. Part 1 gives a brief account of the refugee relief of Chongqing during the anti-Japanese war, including the definition, appearance, development, population and characters as well as the reasons and influence of refugee emergence in Chongqing during the period. Part 2 focuses on the relief organizations and relief policies. Part 3 makes an exposition on the relief measures for Chongqing refugees taken by the National Government, Chongqing municipal government and all circles of society. Part 4 discusses the effects of refugee relief in Chongqing systematically and deeply. Based on the four parts, the thesis affirms that the policy and measures to relief refugees in Chongqing taken by National Government attained the effect of “steady the rear and support the frontline”, but also some points out defects for various reasons during the war time. The thesis contains three highlights. 1. Being an initial research on refugee relief in Chongqing of anti-Japanese war, it is valuable academically. 2. It is pioneer to sort out and make use of the archives and newspaper about the topic in Chonqing Archives. 4. The thesis tries to broaden the research scope of anti-Japanese war history in Chongqing so that more about the anti-Japanese war history in Chongqing and domestic refugee relief could be discussed based on it in the future.

【关键词】 抗战时期; 重庆难民; 救济;
【Key words】 Anti-Japanese War Period; Refugees in Chongqing; Relief;

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  • 下一篇文章: 国民党福建省各级党部探讨(1937-1945)

  •   本文关键词:抗战时期重庆难民的救济,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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