本文选题:清末民初 + 赫哲族 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:赫哲民族是我国大河文明中捕鱼文化的典型代表,赫哲族传统捕鱼文化是中华民族多元文化发展体系中的重要组成部分。清末民初,赫哲族经历了一场血与火、难耐与痛苦、悲壮与惨烈、泪水与无奈的民族变迁过程。 本文在深入探寻赫哲族传统文化形成历史根源的同时,重点论述赫哲族由传统文化向现代化文化变迁的根本原因以及赫哲民族内部的发展变化,并对赫哲族由传统文化向现代文化发展中的历史变迁进行理性思考,然后进一步论述了在面对赫哲族传统文化变迁的过程中,应当采取何种途径和有效措施进行文化保护和传承。 本文以章节的形式书写,共分为三部分。 第一部分为绪论,通过对十九世纪中期赫哲族文化变迁有关问题研究著作的分类及简单介绍,梳理学术界对十九世纪中期赫哲族文化变迁的研究成果,总结已有的理论成果,找出研究的薄弱环节,为本文提供研究方向。 第二部分共分为三个章节,为本文的正文。 第一章,对赫哲族传统经济文化和社会生活进行论述,重点论述独特的自然环境赋予赫哲族生存本领和技术。 第二章,阐述赫哲族在特定的历史环境下,社会生产和社会生活变迁的原因和表现,重点论述赫哲族在沙俄入侵、移民进入,放荒开垦以及自然生态环境恶化的情况下,使赫哲族传统社会生活难以为继,被迫走上了现代社会的过程。 第三章,论述赫哲族由传统社会向现代化社会转型的过程中,清政府和国民政府政治制度的调整、经济的变革以及新教育理念的选择和对社会的影响。 第三部分,论述在社会变迁不可逆转的情况下,保护和传承赫哲族传统文化的必要性和迫切性,以及保护好弱小民族的传统文化和民族文化发展的可行性。
[Abstract]:Hezhe nationality is a typical representative of fishing culture in the great river civilization of our country. The traditional fishing culture of Hezhen nationality is an important part of the development system of the pluralistic culture of the Chinese nation. In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the Hezhen nationality experienced a process of blood and fire, unbearable and painful, tragically and brutally, tears and helplessness. While deeply exploring the historical roots of the formation of Hezhen's traditional culture, this paper focuses on the fundamental causes of its transition from traditional culture to modern culture, as well as the internal development and change of Hezhen nationality. It also makes a rational thinking on the historical changes of the Hezhen nationality from traditional culture to modern culture, and then further discusses the process of facing the change of Hezhen nationality's traditional culture. What ways and effective measures should be taken to protect and inherit culture. This paper is written in the form of chapters and is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction, through the classification and brief introduction of the research works on the cultural changes of the Hezhen nationality in the middle of the nineteenth century, the author summarizes the existing theoretical achievements by combing the academic research results on the cultural changes of the Hezhen nationality in the middle of the nineteenth century. Find out the weak link of the research, and provide the research direction for this paper. The second part is divided into three chapters, the text of this paper. In the first chapter, the traditional economic culture and social life of Hezhen nationality are discussed, with emphasis on the unique natural environment which endows the Hezhen nationality with survival ability and technology. The second chapter expounds the causes and manifestations of the changes of social production and social life in the specific historical environment, with emphasis on the Hezhen nationality in the situation of Russian invasion, immigration, reclamation and deterioration of natural ecological environment. The traditional social life of Hezhen nationality is difficult to continue and forced into the process of modern society. The third chapter discusses the process of the transformation from traditional society to modern society, the adjustment of political system of Qing government and national government, the change of economy, the choice of new educational idea and its influence on society. The third part discusses the necessity and urgency of protecting and inheriting the traditional culture of Hezhen nationality under the condition of irreversible social change, and the feasibility of protecting the traditional culture and the development of national culture of weak and weak nationality.
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