发布时间:2018-05-23 12:34
本文选题:“弛禁论” + 鸦片 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:近代中国,开始于鸦片泛滥,结束于鸦片泛滥,鸦片问题作为一个严重的社会问题,深深的影响了近代中国的各个方面。道光年间,面对鸦片走私带来的各种危害,清政府的各级士绅提出了诸多解决方案,“弛禁论”就是其中的一种。它以防止白银外流为根本出发点,力图通过“以货易货”的贸易方式扼制白银的外流,力图利用鸦片贸易合法化来增加政府的财政收入,力图通过罂粟国产化抵制外国鸦片的进口,力图通过缓禁的措施最终根治中国的烟毒,这种观点符合了当时中国的历史环境和社会条件,并一度得到了最高统治者的默认。但“弛禁论”本身难以克服的致命缺点以及饮鸩止渴般的措施,并不能为当时的传统士大夫所接受,并随着许乃济的致仕而偃旗息鼓。 不过清代后期所实行的鸦片政策,却几乎与“弛禁论”者所提出的观点相契合,这从某种程度上说明了这种观点的时代性和实用性。本文正是通过分析“弛禁论”者所提出的各种观点,揭示其错误的观点,总结其在当时所起到的作用,以便我们更为客观的研究“弛禁论”这一观点。 本文主要分以下几个部分对“弛禁论”做一相关的论述。 引言部分主要概括了本文的研究内容和研究现状,并对相关文献做了一个研究综述。 第一部分论述了“弛禁论”产生的社会背景及其代表人物。 第二部分分析了“弛禁论”的主要观点。 第三部分剖析了“弛禁论”的错误思想。 第四部分对“弛禁论”值得肯定的观点进行了分析。 第五部分是结论,主要分析“弛禁论”的根本目的和他们与鸦片商之间的关系,并对道光皇帝罢免许乃济进行了分析。
[Abstract]:In modern China, the Opium overflowed and ended in the Opium overflowing. The opium problem, as a serious social problem, deeply influenced all aspects of modern China. In the period of Daoguang, in the face of the various dangers brought by the opium smuggling, the gentry at all levels of the Qing government put forward a number of solutions. "The theory of relaxation" was one of them. In order to prevent the silver exodus as a fundamental starting point, it tries to choke out the exodus of silver through the "barter" trade mode and try to use the opium trade to legitimize the government's financial revenue, trying to resist the import of the foreign opium through the domestically produced opium poppy, and try to cure the Chinese tobacco poison through the slow prohibition measures. This view is consistent with the view. At that time, the historical environment and social conditions of China were defaults to the supreme ruler, but the fatal shortcomings of "the theory of relaxation" and the measures of drinking poison to quench thirst could not be accepted by the traditional scholar bureaucrats at that time.
However, the opium policy implemented in the late Qing Dynasty is almost consistent with the views proposed by the "relaxation theory". This explains to some extent the times and practicality of this view. This article is through the analysis of all kinds of views put forward by the "relaxation theory", reveals its mistake, and summarizes its role at the time. So that we can more objectively study the concept of "lifting the ban".
This article mainly discusses the theory of "lifting the ban" in the following sections.
The preface mainly summarizes the research contents and research status of this article, and makes a summary of relevant literature.
The first part discusses the social background and representative figures of the theory of "lifting the ban".
The second part analyzes the main points of the theory of "lifting the ban".
The third part analyzes the wrong idea of "lifting the ban".
The fourth part analyzes the affirmative viewpoints of the theory of "lifting the ban".
The fifth part is the conclusion, which mainly analyzes the fundamental purpose of the theory of "lifting the ban" and their relationship with opium traders.
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