本文选题:民国时期 + 直隶省银行 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:清末的官银钱号具有地方银行的性质,辛亥革命后大多数随着地方政府垮台,少数改组为省银行,直隶省银行也是由清末的官银钱号发展而来。 北洋政府时期,直隶省银行成为军阀出纳银钱的私库,银行准备金被掏空,钞票发行毫无节制,经理和推销公债。直隶省银行成为军阀筹措军费、剥削人民的工具,与掌握它们的军阀共命运,一旦军阀失势,银行随即就倒闭。另一方面,直隶省银行也采用了近代银行的生存法则,,广泛吸收社会游资,积极投资近代产业,实行抵押贷款,扶持工业发展。立足直隶,以自身的金融力量消弭1916年中交停兑风潮、1921年中交挤兑风潮在直隶地区所产生的金融紊乱,同时打击地方私票,维护地方金融秩序。但是,作为由旧式官银钱号转型的一个金融机构,直隶省银行具有浓厚的政治色彩,这种局限造成了直隶省银行的生存期限不会长久。 本文以民国时期为中心,对这一阶段内直隶省银行的发展变化进行了初步研究。全文划分七个部分。 第一部分为绪论,说明文章的选题缘起,通过对相关学术史的梳理,提出本文的整体研究方向、资料的取舍以及相关需要说明的问题。 第二部分是正文的第一章,主要考察直隶省银行的历史沿革情况。 第三部分是正文的第二章,本章对直隶省银行的资产状况进行了叙述,主要阐明银行的资本不是银行的营业资金,它只是银行为了取得公众信任的保证资金。银行盈利的多寡取决于其吸收存款的高低。 第四部分是正文的第三章,本章分析了直隶省银行的业务构成。通过对直隶省银行的存款、放款与投资、经销公债、发行钞票等业务的分析来考察直隶省银行生存的经济基础。 第五部分是正文的第四章,在本章中首先界定了滥发的概念,直隶省银行所发行的钞票在性质上是兑换券,它要求具有严格的准备金,这种发行制度在经济学上属于“束缚本位制”,它不同于后来的纸币本位制。了解了这一点,才能深刻理解在省钞危机中所实行的维持政策。 第六部分是正文的第五章,主要探讨了直隶省银行维持失败的原因,政治支持是其维持的主要动力,军阀不肯为他人作嫁衣裳成为维持失败的根本。第七部分为简要的结论,对直隶省银行作出了评价,提出了政府与经济关系的思考。
[Abstract]:After the Revolution of 1911, most of them were changed into provincial banks with the collapse of local governments. Zhili Provincial Bank was also developed from the official silver names in the late Qing Dynasty. During the period of Beiyang government, Zhili Bank became the private treasury of warlord cashiers, bank reserves were emptied, money was issued out of control, and managers and promotion bonds. Zhili Bank became a tool for warlords to raise military expenditure and exploit the people. On the other hand, Zhili Bank also adopted the rules of survival of modern banks, widely absorbed social funds, actively invested in modern industries, implemented mortgage loans, and supported industrial development. Based on Zhili, with its own financial power to eliminate the 1916 to stop the tide of exchange, in 1921 in Zhili region caused by the tide of financial disorder, at the same time to crack down on local private tickets, maintain local financial order. However, as a financial institution transformed from the old official bank, Zhili bank has a strong political color, which caused the Zhili bank to survive for a long time. Taking the period of the Republic of China as the center, this paper makes a preliminary study on the development and change of Zhili Bank in this period. The paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is an introduction to explain the origin of the topic, through the relevant academic history of the comb, proposed the overall research direction of this article, the selection and selection of information and relevant needs to explain the problems. The second part is the first chapter of the text, mainly investigating the history of Zhili bank. The third part is the second chapter of the text, this chapter describes the assets of Zhili bank, mainly expounds that the capital of the bank is not the operating capital of the bank, but only the guarantee fund of the bank in order to obtain the public trust. The amount of money a bank makes depends on the amount of deposits it takes. The fourth part is the third chapter of the text, this chapter analyzes the business composition of Zhili bank. Through the analysis of the deposit, loan and investment, distribution of public bonds and issuing banknotes of Zhili bank, the economic basis of the existence of Zhili bank was investigated. The fifth part is the fourth chapter of the text, in this chapter first defined the concept of abuse, Zhili bank notes issued in nature is a coupon, it requires a strict reserve, This issue system belongs to the restraint system in economics, which is different from the later paper money standard system. This is the only way to understand the maintenance policy in the provincial currency crisis. The sixth part is the fifth chapter of the text, mainly discusses the reason of the maintenance failure of Zhili bank, political support is the main motive force of its maintenance, and the warlords' refusal to make clothes for others becomes the root of the maintenance failure. The seventh part is a brief conclusion, the bank of Zhili province has made the appraisal, has proposed the government and the economic relations ponder.
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