本文选题:日俄战争 + 中国 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 自19世纪中期以来,日俄两国在东北地区展开了日益激烈的争夺,20世纪初,双方矛盾急剧升级,为争夺中国东北与朝鲜最终诉诸战争。1904年2月至1905年9月,日俄两国以中国东北为主战场展开了为期一年半的日俄战争,这场战争以俄国的失败而结束。战争给作为主战场的中国带来了深远影响,在一定程度上改变了中国的历史发展进程! 正文从以下三个部分进行了详细的论述。 第一部分阐述了日俄战争给中国带来的屈辱和灾难。日俄战争使中国的领土和主权进一步丧失;给中国人民带来了空前浩劫,不但给中国人民造成了巨大的生命财产损失,而且给中国造成的间接损失及对人民的精神创伤更是无法估量;其战争结果使日本势力植入“南满”,为日本帝国主义的扩张打开了方便之门,特别是为日后日本帝国主义的扩大侵华埋下了祸根。 第二部分记述了日俄战争时期,中国政局的变化。此部分由三个大的方面组成。其-是受战争的触动,清政府为维护其统治,加强了对东北的控制,改革东北官制,在外交上由联日抗俄转向引入欧美势力来遏制日俄;其二是受到日俄战争的震动,中国的立宪运动风起云涌,资产阶级立宪派为实现其立宪理想而奔走呼号,清政府不得已而进行预备立宪。于此同时,革命形势进一步发展。 第三部分论述了日俄战争时期国人心态的变化。此部分细述了在日俄战争面前社会各阶层各自的心态。清政府卖国求荣,甘做帝国主义的走狗,彻底的完全的沦为了“洋人的朝廷”。资产阶级立宪派逐渐认清了清政府的腐朽落后、卖国求荣的本质,逐渐汇流到资产阶级革命派反清反侵略的革命道路。面对日俄战争,绝大多数民众具有强烈的爱国情感,他们奋起抗争,保家卫国,但仍有少数民众处于麻木不仁之中。
[Abstract]:Since the middle of the 19th century, Japan and Russia have been engaged in increasingly fierce competition in Northeast China. At the beginning of the 20th century, the conflicts between the two countries escalated sharply, and the two countries finally resorted to war in order to compete for the northeast of China and the DPRK. From February 1904 to September 1905, Japan and Russia began a year and a half-year-long war with northeast China as the main battlefield, which ended with the defeat of Russia. The war has brought profound influence to China as the main battlefield, and to a certain extent has changed the historical development process of China! The text is discussed in detail from the following three parts. The first part expounds the humiliation and disaster brought to China by the war between Japan and Russia. The Japanese-Russian war further lost China's territory and sovereignty, brought unprecedented devastation to the Chinese people, and not only caused huge loss of life and property to the Chinese people, Moreover, the indirect losses caused to China and the psychological trauma to its people are even more incalculable. As a result of the war, the Japanese forces were implanted in "Nanman", which opened the door for the expansion of Japanese imperialism. In particular, the expansion of Japanese imperialism in the future laid the root of the invasion of China. The second part describes the changes of Chinese political situation during the Japanese-Russian War. This part consists of three major aspects. It was touched by the war. In order to maintain its rule, the Qing government strengthened its control over the Northeast, reformed the official system in the Northeast, shifted its diplomatic ties from Japan to Russia and introduced European and American forces to contain Japan and Russia. Second, it was shaken by the war between Japan and Russia. The constitutionalism movement in China was surging, the bourgeois constitutionalists rushed to realize their constitutional ideals, and the Qing government had to prepare for constitutionalism. At the same time, the revolutionary situation further developed. The third part discusses the changes of Chinese mentality during the Japanese-Russian War. This part details the mentality of each social class in front of the Japanese-Russian War. The Qing government was a traitor to the country, willing to be an imperialist running dog, and completely reduced to a "foreign court." The bourgeois constitutionalists gradually recognized the essence of the decay and backwardness of the Qing government, and gradually converged on the revolutionary road of the bourgeois revolutionaries against the Qing Dynasty and against aggression. In the face of the Japanese-Russian war, the vast majority of people have strong patriotic feelings, they rise up to defend the country, but there are still a small number of people are insensitive.
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