本文选题:世纪年代 + 工会 ; 参考:《当代中国史研究》2017年01期
[Abstract]:In the 1950s, in view of the problems in the work of trade unions throughout the country, the Chinese Communists insisted on the Sinicization of Marxist trade union theory, and on the functions, status, and tasks of trade unions after the working class seized power. The way of work and the relationship between the Party and the government have been deeply pondered, and the trade union work mechanism suitable for China's national conditions has been actively explored. Both achievements and twists and turns have taken place. During the period, the Chinese Communists revolved around whether the principle of "public and private consideration" should be applied in public enterprises, whether there were different specific positions between trade unions in public enterprises and the administration and government of enterprises, the relationship between trade unions and the ruling party, and the relationship between industrial trade unions and local trade unions. The basic task of the trade union is to produce or benefit and so on the question produced the different degree dispute. The controversy has promoted the Sinicization of Marxist trade union theory, and the party and government have preliminarily straightened out the relationship between the party, administration and trade unions in public enterprises, and promoted the formation of the theory of contradictions among the people. It has accumulated both positive and negative experiences of Marxism in China.
【作者单位】: 安徽师范大学马克思主义学院;
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