本文选题:宣统三年 + 预算案 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:主要研究对象为湖南宣统三年预算案和湖南咨议局。通过咨议局这个准地方议会机构,咨议局议员和以湖南巡抚为代表的传统地方政治力量在咨议局的第二届年会召开期间,就湖南宣统三年预算案进行审议。在此之前清政府进行了自上而下的财政体制改革和财政清理,以及颁发的各类财政法案,为预算案的制定审核提供了制度和法律上的保证。 预算案的制定涉及到中央与地方、政府与民间等群体的切身利益,故议员与抚部院对此慎之又慎。在议案的审核中,议员和巡抚有过多次交锋。岁入案中,厘金和公债案成为争论的焦点,甚至一度出现议员们要挟罢会的紧张情景;岁出案中,赔款问题使议员们的神经再次绷紧。但是在田赋的征收和发展教育方面,咨议局和抚部院还是取得了高度一致。 宣统三年预算案是清末湖南地方新政的重要组成部分,是湖南近代第一份地方预算案,也是中国地方财政近代化进程的一环。在议案的审议和质询过程中,,还存在着许多局限性,预算案本身也有诸如“不完整”、“未划分国家和地方岁入”等缺陷。咨议局是预算案审议过程中的主体,经过咨议局的民主议政程序,预算案得到完善并最终通过。但是预算案通过后并没有付诸实施,辛亥革命的爆发使湖南宣统三年决算案的制定成为一纸空文。 通过对湖南宣统三年决算案的微观研究,探究湖南地方财政的近代化和地方民主宪政的进程,弥补了学界在湖南地方财政研究的薄弱环节。这些领域的研究对当代财政改革也有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:The main research object is Hunan Xuantong three-year Budget and Hunan State Bureau. During the second annual meeting of the State and Congresses Bureau, a quasi-local council body, members of the State Council and traditional local political forces represented by the governor of Hunan Province, deliberated on the three-year budget of Hunan Xuantong. Prior to this, the Qing government carried out the top-down financial system reform and fiscal clean-up, and issued various fiscal bills, which provided the system and legal guarantee for the budget formulation and examination. The preparation of the Budget involves the vital interests of the central and local governments, the government and the private sector. During the scrutiny of the motion, there were many exchanges between members of Parliament and the governor. In the revenue case, the Lipkin and public debt cases became the focus of the debate, and there was even a tense scenario of lawmakers threatening to cancel; in the new year case, the issue of reparations once again strained the nerves of lawmakers. However, in the collection of land tax and the development of education, the Council and the governing department achieved a high degree of agreement. The three-year budget of Xuantong is an important part of the local new policy in Hunan in the late Qing Dynasty, the first local budget in Hunan in modern times, and a link in the process of modernization of local finance in China. There are still many limitations in the deliberation and questioning of the bill. The Budget itself also has defects such as "incomplete" and "not divided into national and local revenue." The Council of the Union is the main body in the budget deliberation process. However, the budget was not put into practice, and the Xinhai Revolution made the three-year final accounts of Xuantong in Hunan a dead letter. Through the microcosmic research on the case of Hunan Xuantong's three-year final accounts, this paper probes into the modernization of Hunan's local finance and the process of local democratic constitutionalism, which makes up for the weak link in the study of Hunan's local finance by academic circles. The research in these fields also has certain reference significance to the contemporary financial reform.
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