本文选题:大革命时期 + 河南 ; 参考:《史学月刊》2016年11期
[Abstract]:The Henan Peasant Association was established in August 1925 during the Great Revolution, and its development has experienced three stages: rising, rising and receding. Farmers' associations throughout the province have carried out a series of activities such as supporting the Northern Expedition, establishing peasants' self-defense armed forces, safeguarding the peasants' economic interests, establishing the agricultural and industrial power, and carrying out cultural and educational activities. Compared with other provinces, Henan Peasant Association showed distinct historical characteristics: it was one of the most developed associations in the north during the Great Revolution, and it was based on the use and transformation of primitive peasant self-defense organizations such as the Red Gun Society. It has developed rapidly and expanded rapidly; it has set up some county interim security committees which have created a shining example of the northern peasant and industrial class in seizing power; it has extensively carried out United front work under the guidance of the policy of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party; and so on. The Henan Peasant Association during the Great Revolution wrote a glorious page in the history of Chinese modern revolution.
【作者单位】: 广东科技学院思想政治理论部;河南师范大学历史文化学院;
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